The big 3-0!
Only ten more weeks to go...but here's hoping he'll make his debut just a little earlier. Like a week or two. I could go for that.
He's an active guy. I certainly know when he's taking a nap. Unlike his older sister, I can feel him moving even when I'm standing up and moving around. Aubrey Kate almost always kept calm and still as long as I was moving. But that wasn't a whole lot what with a job which required me to sit near a phone and computer all day.
The biggest difference between the two kiddos are the hiccups. Or more specifically, their reaction to the hiccups.
Aubrey Kate would get frustrated after having the hiccups for about a minute. I would feel them start and then just wait for the fit she would pitch. Kicking and stretching trying to make them stop. Pretty much knew she would not have a wealth of patience.
And...I was right.
Little man gets the hiccups and goes completely still. Like at this very moment, he's got them. Not a single movement. They'll last anywhere from a minute to 4 or 5 but he doesn't make a single movement. Almost like he's just waiting for them to go away. Maybe, just maybe, this little guy will have a smidge more patience.
I hope I'm right.
The babycenter emails say he should be about three pounds by now. If they're accurate, he's gaining about half a pound a week. Which means I'm gaining easily a pound a week. I do feel like I am growing quickly. I still feel pretty good. Just big.
Sleep continues to be bad. I wake up often to either go to the bathroom or turn over. And sometimes I wake myself up snoring. Between the allergies, general pregnancy stuffiness and our recent bout of sinus infections, we are keeping Puffs in business. I've moved up to two pillows to help with the drainage plus the body pillow for supporting the belly and a pillow behind my back to stop me from rolling onto my back. As you can imagine, it's a rather humorous ritual every night watching me get comfortable with all that.
My appetite is equally bad. I'm not at all interested in eating. But I am always hungry starving. I am eating smaller meals more frequently to try and stay ahead of it. I get full pretty easily and yesterday, after eating a sandwich with a bottle of water, I thought my skin had reached its max stretchiness.
And that's about all there is for an update. One day we'll get started working on the nursery and Aubrey Kate's big girl room. Hopefully, before Little Man arrives.
Oh!!! Baby Boy has a name!!! I'll do a whole post on that. I swear!!!
Now for pictures. The first is a horrible, no good, very bad photo. The best part is it was better than the first. Which looking at this one seems totally impossible. I'll see if we can't take another one tonight and I'll do my best to not look like I might fall over drunk any minute.
This is 30 weeks with Aubrey Kate. There is really no doubt that I am bigger this go round. Baby boy is bigger! I spent weeks eating Fuzzy's queso and chips to help Aubrey Kate gain weight and we still ended up just under 6 pounds at exactly 40 weeks. At this rate, BB is going to hit 6 pounds in about two weeks.
What a difference being healthy with a gluten-free diet makes! Let's all just say a prayer of thanks that Aubrey Kate was conceived and brought into our arms at all. Thank you, dear Lord!!!
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