Friday, November 5, 2010

Gratitude Friday...

Today I am grateful for doctors and nurses, antibiotics, blood tests, tissue with lotion, lip balm for chapped lips, socks that become chew toys, baby skinny jeans, cars that put fussy babies to sleep, naps, soy formula, probiotics, books, heat, humidifiers and sensitive baby wipes.

One day when I have more time, I'll tell you all about what's been going on with us. Cause there's some stuff. Seriously.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh those jeans are DARLING...can't wait to hear all about what's been going on!

  2. I love those skinny jeans!! Those eyelashes are beautiful! Looks like her Moms!
    Love you!

  3. I feel like I now have an accurate mental picture of exactly what Chris would look like with his feet in his mouth.

  4. Love the pictures, as always! Praying for the runny noses, chapped lips, doctor appointments, upset tummy, and everything else that is going on! Hope you all are on the upswing!
