Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sick Pumpkin - Take 2...

First, let me tell you that I am not sure how long I'm going to be keeping track of the number of physical ailments my precious girl will have. So be prepared for the next one to be titled something else other than "Sick Pumpkin - Take 3".

Second, I just ate a half a bag of Doritos. Sigh.

Alright so poor Pumpkin caught a stomach bug. She woke up last night (morning?) at 3:30 am to eat. I fed her and she actually ate pretty well. Then she was wide awake. Since I had about 20 minutes to kill before I needed to get ready for the gym, I thought I'd let her stay up with me and talk. Normally, she wears herself out in approximately 8 minutes. Not worried about it becoming a habit.

But about 10 minutes after she'd finished eating, it all came back up. Rather forcefully.

After I'd cleaned us both up...twice...she seemed to be done throwing up. I brought her to the office to sleep in the bouncy seat. No way I was taking my eyes off her in case she threw up again.

We ate breakfast at 7:30 am and threw that up.

The nurse and I talked. We came up with a game plan. And then I set out putting that in action. As of right now, she's been asleep for about 90 minutes. That's twice as long as she's gone all day long without a poopie diaper.

Her poor raw bottom.

Aubrey Kate was so snugly all day. She just wanted to be held. Dang it. I mean, seriously, how am I supposed to handle having to snuggle with this precious little one?

Yeah. Not a struggle. I can't kiss that face enough. Goodness. It was the best day I've had in weeks.

Thankfully, she did take some good naps today. Giving me time to let my inner Domestic Goddess shine through.

Last weekend, I went to visit Mrs. Eartha and sweet baby boy J. Heavens that boy is cute.

So Mrs. Eartha had hand stitched this adorable bird onto a newborn onesie.


I prodded her with questions and she swore she'd teach me.

But she has a newborn. And I suspect it could be easily October before we get to spend any quality time together.

I NEEDED to make this onesie wwwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy before then.

So my mind had been spinning with possibilities for three full days.

When like manna from heaven, I was given two uninterrupted hours of Internet time and a day at home with Pumpkin.

By 7:30 am this morning, I'd printed 10 patterns, fished out my fabric scraps, Stitch Witchery and ribbon. Pumpkin had plenty of plain white onesies for me to work with.

And miracle of miracles, they were all clean. All. Ya'll.

Two naps later, I had these:

I also had this old skirt in my donate pile. As I am now almost 34 years old, I find that perhaps a hot pink paisley skirt is a bit too loud for someone my age. I felt like it might as well have been a big neon sign saying "Trying NOT to dress my age".

BUT I love the fabric. And since it was going to be donated anyway, I figured I should recycle.

And can I tell you how much I want to be that person who buys only recycled baby clothes? So much. But until they move a thrift store or consignment shop into my office building, I will continue to have to purchase clothes at Target or Walmart during my regularly scheduled grocery trips.

That's called "plural processing". "Multi-tasking" is so 2003.

Anyway, I managed to make two onesies and the most adorable baby skirt ever created out of that fabric. I feel there's a more than 82% chance I will use the fabric again. It's that fabulous.

There you have it. A rather blissful sick day. Snuggle time with baby. Six onesies and a skirt made. Half a bag of Doritos and a two pound weight gain. Plus a bonus blog post. THAT is a productive day.

Tell me what ya'll think of the onesies! I need some positive reinforcement. Because...welll...I just do. Thanks ya'll!!!!


  1. I'm so sorry AK is sick. I hope she is much better tonight.
    You are too smart! The onesies are so cute.
    Can't wait to see y'all.
    Aunt Cheryl

  2. You are awesome! That is exactly what I was talking about using stitch witchery to applique!! I'm so doing that the next time I have some free time . . . like when Luke is 18!! I guess he won't want to wear appliqued clothes then! hope AK is feeling all better today!

  3. Don't say I didn't warn you...Come October, I may be placing an order for a baby bird onesie. It is my fave! Hope baby is feeling better. Good job, Mama!

  4. Those are ALL adorable...but the bird one is my favorite!! Adorable...and I hope AK is feeling better soon!

  5. Did you do all that with stitch witch?! I still haven't learned how to use the sewing machine I got for my birthday. But I can make hats.

  6. So sorry AK is feeling punky. Hope it's just a 24 hour thing and that you don't catch it.
    I have 2 favorites: the bird and the ladybug.
    See you soon.
    Love you, Meme

  7. first, I'm so sorry your little pumpkin is sick. second, you are one crafty momma!!! those are just precious:)

  8. They are amazing! What a day! I hope baby girl feels better. Love, Nana

  9. I'm going to need you to teach me how to do that. NOW. K, thanks. :-)

  10. I hope your little one is much, much better today!
    Your onsies are ADORABLE!
