Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well, it was bound to happen...

Today, I was pooped on.

Really, we're all rather impressed it took 7 1/2 weeks. But it did happen.

Thankfully, I have Nana, Carrie, Adam and Noah here to help. Noah likes to help. He follows me in to change AK's diaper almost every time.

Unless he's in the dining room in the "cave" he and my brother built. Which is by far the best use of our dining room table ever. And one I suspect Pottery Barn never really considered.

Anyway, Nana took charge of the poop situation. She sent me to get an old towel and some wet wash cloths while she held the baby up and away from her body like she was a bomb. I run to get the supplies all the while thinking...I'm covered in poo...I'm covered in poo...I'm covered in poo.

This is new for me.

So we get her all cleaned up including carefully removing the WHITE onesie successfully without getting the poo on her sweet little head.

Mom then instructs me to spray the onesie with Oxi-Clean and start the wash. I dutifully comply. While I'm still covered in poo.

I start the wash, check once more on mom and AK and then head to the bathroom to change.

I am now clean but I swear I can still feel the poo. I may continue to feel the poo for hours yet.

But I...I will survive.

Other that, the weekend has been uneventful. All arrived safely Friday night after a 14 hour drive. However, the 2 1/2 year old managed not to sleep one single minute of that 14 hours. It took 20 gummy bears to coax him back into the van after their last stop. He burst into my house like the cutest little tornadoe you've ever seen. Ah, so this is what overtired toddler looks like. Nice.

But he's still pretty darn adorable even if he's overtired.


  1. Now it's official! haha!
    I bet she's still as precious as can be all covered in poo!
