Friday, June 4, 2010

Gratitude Friday...

I'm sitting here typing this just before midnight after a very long day. Very long day. It seems like we'll get on a good schedule for a few days...maybe even a week...and then we have a fussy day. The recipe for these days adds, obviously, hours of fussing to the complete absence of naps with a very hungry baby. Like hasn't eaten in days kind of hungry baby. These days leave me completely wiped.

And longing for my return to work.

I realize saying that may surprise, irritate and even anger some. Don't get me wrong. I adore my amazing, beautiful, miracle baby girl. ADORE HER.

But. For a girl who thrives on and let's face it, has been completely accustomed to a rather structured schedule, these days are completely exhausting.

Oddly enough, there's very little about my job that's scheduled or predictable. It also includes fussing, bans napping and offers plenty of opportunities to deal with starving people. And I'm in no way in charge of what each day brings.

So basically, my job smacks of being the mom of a newborn. Only the fussing, tired, hungry people are able to express themselves in something resembling a spoken language.

Although, when my daughter sticks out her bottom lip right before she cries, it is way more precious.

So, on with the gratitude part of this post.

1. The DVR - because seriously, when you have hours at night to waste waiting for baby's next feeding and needing to be relatively quiet while both baby and husband sleep, I am extremely grateful to be able to watch some dancing, a trainer yelling about eating fried chicken and male egos fight it out over a girl they've known for about 28 seconds.

(Side note: I am not a great napper so before everyone suggests I sleep while I'm waiting, just thought I should throw that out there. I can sleep for 3 hours or so and then I'm wide awake for the next several. It's a flaw.)

2. Granola Bars - While I want to make absolutely sure baby gets a full feeding every time, I don't always get a full feeding myself. So I'm glad I can grab something quick.

3. Cameras - We are surrounded by electronics. There's the fancy camera, multiple cell phones and a video camera. All are within arm's reach and all have captured some pretty precious moments. We'll cherish each of those.

4. Visitors - We love having visitors. We loved it before there was a baby but now we love them even more. Baby and I have been pretty much at home for the past seven weeks so having people here gives us both someone else to interact with. I know she must get tired of looking at just me! But really, I love watching our family and friends fall in love with my daughter just like Chris and I have.

5. Moments out of nowhere - It seems like each day, there are moments when Aubrey Kate completely takes my breath away. Whether its while she's playing on her mat or looking at me during a feeding or sticking out that teeny tiny bottom lip. I tear up or sometimes, I burst into tears. "Oh how He loves you and me" just runs through my head. Because only through the Lord's love and grace for us are these moments even possible.

I pray you are all able to find the big and small things to be thankful for each day. When you're tired, frustrated or even joyful because God is there in every moment. Oh how He loves you and me.


  1. It makes me feel better to hear your stories...knowing that you have gotten to at least 6 weeks and are still alive. I now can sympathize with the words you write and totally understand the part about loving visitors...I try to think of people I know who don't have kids who can just come over and show their face...I also hear you about the work thing, not that I don't love being here but it is very tiresome, looong days. Thanks for your words and know that they are an encouragement to me :)

  2. You are such a trooper! And despite the exhaustion and crazy schedule, you still find much to be thankful for. You rock!
