Monday, June 14, 2010

Really? Two months???

Hi everybody! Today I am two months old! Mommy and Daddy took a whole lot of pictures of me today. I had to sit with Aubie again. He's so big.

Then we went to the doctor. That was not fun. Lots of poking and sticking. All while I was just in my diaper. It gets cold in there! But while we waited for the doctor, Mommy, Daddy and Mrs. JT played with me. I liked the attention. They make funny faces and giggle with me.

This month I am 22 1/4 inches long and I weighed 9 lbs 3 oz. The doctor says I should be eating more. But I don't wanna. I get full and then I'm ready to play. I bet Mommy will try to force me to eat more. We'll see who wins.

Mrs. JT brought me some fancy new clothes. I love my zebra dress! And Dr. JT brought me the coolest present! It's an Aubie print signed by the creator of Aubie!!! It even has my name on it!!! I posted a picture for everyone to see. Hope you like the pictures!


  1. Wow! That is cool Aubrey Kate!

  2. Happy 2 month birthday Aubrey Kate! You are growing up so fast! Can't wait to see you! Love you. Aunt Cheryl

  3. Love that smile!!! Hope you start eating more for your mommy, Aubrey Kate!! Happy 2 months!

  4. Um, I have the cutest niece EVER.
