Today is Chris’ birthday! I love this day. One, because I get to write a post just for him and two, because he’s now the same age as I am.
Yes, he’s four whopping months younger than me.
And yes, those four months are just oh so much fun.
Really, there aren’t enough words to tell you why I love this man. He’s just amazing. So I thought I’d give you a few of my recent favorite moments.
Not a boogier: One Sunday morning, we both woke up late. Not a good thing normally but certainly not a good thing when Chris has to play for the 8:00 am service. He woke me up and said, “We overslept. Let’s boogie”. I dragged myself out of bed and said, “I’m not all that great at boogieing”. We drove separately and somehow by sheer miracle I was in the pew before the service started. Chris came to sit with me after the music was done and he said, “I thought you weren’t a boogier”. I said, “Yeah, well, you do whatcha gotta do”. He then said, “You look beautiful” and kissed me on the forehead. Not sure I heard a thing the pastor said because all I could do was think about how precious my husband was.
Can’t wait: During Thanksgiving, the family went to Auburn for the last home football game. Chris had one job and that was to buy Baby E some Auburn clothes. And so he did. A couple of weeks ago, Chris comes out of the nursery with the Auburn cheerleading outfit in his hand and says, “I cannot wait for her to wear this!” He was grinning from ear to ear. I love that he’s just as excited about having a little girl as I am. She’s got him wrapped around her finger and she’s not even here yet.
Day Off: Normally, Chris is fantastic at getting things accomplished on his days off. He doesn’t get that many, even weekends, so I’m always amazed how hard he works when he doesn’t have to. Recently, he spent an entire day off meeting with the accountant for taxes, diversifying our retirement portfolio and re-working our monthly budget to be more baby friendly. Seriously. I'm pretty sure I don't even want to exert the energy it would take to spell "diversifying" on my days off.
The offer: A couple of weeks ago, I visited a potential day care for Baby E. I’d called around to several places and narrowed it down to two. This was the first visit to one of them. And I was completely unprepared for my emotional response. I woke up crying that morning and pretty much managed to cry during most of the visit. Thankfully, the director was very understanding. Needless to say, as confused as I was by my reaction, Chris was equally as stunned. My going back to work is a topic we’ve been discussing for years. Years. As I cried and tried to explain to both of us what I was feeling, Chris’ brain was working overtime. He must have thought about this for all of 10 minutes before he said, “I could stay home”. Then he laid out an argument for it that made a whole lot of sense. Whether or not that’s really a good option is up for debate but the fact that he offered is just…oh goodness…amazing. And that is totally not the right word but it’ll have to do.
I know when the baby comes, our relationship will be changed. Not foolish enough to think we won’t have some rocky moments adjusting to caring for another person. We’re human and we’re not perfect.
But when I think about how Chris cares for me now and how much he cares for our daughter, I get nothing but excited. Okay, and more than a little teary. Because bottom line, when we stood at that alter pledging our lives to each other, neither of us really knew what we were getting ourselves into.
I think I got the better end of the deal.
Happy birthday babe! I love you.
We think Chris is amazing too! Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteLove, Mike and Sandra
Happy birthday Chris!!
ReplyDeleteI think you are both pretty lucky to have each other and so blessed to have your little girl on the way!
Happy Birthday to my first born. We are so grateful that despite all our first time parental mistakes he turn out very good. God truly takes our meager efforts and blesses them beyond anything we can comprehend. And the wonderful girl he fell in love with and ask her to spend the rest of her life with him is very special also. We love you both and love to watch you falling in love with each other more every day. Can't wait to watch you love, guide and nurture this little girl. Love Martha and Jim