I am rather envious of the infertile girls who finally get pregnant and can immediately start posting their pregnancy “stats”. I was a little too nervous, possibly a smidge fearful and all too humbled by this miracle.
However, there’s apparently a set format for these updates that includes TMI items like stretch marks and weight gain. No thanks. But these women that just dive right in are the ones I suspect have that pregnancy “glow”.
I feel pretty certain I don’t have that glow. And if I do it’s because my eyes and face are shiny from crying. Seriously. I cry a lot.
Case in point: “Eye of the Tiger” came on the radio one morning last week and after I turned it up loud enough for people in New Mexico to hear, I got teary.
I was crying because I hope E will love Auburn like we do.
I was crying because we live approximately 3.2 million miles away from Auburn so E won’t get to spend weekends there growing up like Chris and I did (Side note: Chris, I love you and our life. I’ll follow you anywhere. But it still made me cry).
I cried because a magnificent fall day Auburn has the potential to be in loveliest place on earth and God created all that fabulousness so by jove, He deserved some praise.
Point proven.
But I also realize this ridiculously self-centered median we use to communicate keeps our family and friends updated on our life. And it’s a pretty fabulous way to document how we felt and what we were thinking when little E was growing.
So, despite the fact that I am still nervous, fearful and awe-struck humbled by this whole experience, I’m doing one of those little pregnancy stat updates. Minus the stretch marks and weight gain.
How far along: 18 weeks
Maternity clothes: Almost all my bottoms are except for my beloved NY& Co stretchy pants. I think I have a few more months in those. Maybe.
Sleep: No lie, this is not the best.
Best Moment of the Week: I’m not positive but I think E was kicking me yesterday morning. Our pastor was preaching about missions from Revelations. He was all kind of fired up (which he normally is when it comes to missions) and it apparently woke E up. It was just 5 quick little sticks in the gut but I’m on high alert for more of them.
Symptoms: All gone except for the tiredness which is completely due to the sleeplessness which is entirely due to the dreams. Well, okay, the belly growing is a symptom.
Food cravings: None. Nada. Zilch. Still have NO appetite. Really, it’s soooo Chris’ kid.
Gender: Just 3 more days till we know. Otherwise known as FREAKING FOREVER!!!
I miss: Okay, I really dislike this question but I have to be honest. I totally miss my treadmill. Giving up running is certainly a sacrifice I am more than willing to make but when mom talks about hitting 7 miles, my heart aches.
What I am Looking Forward to: Honestly, it’s all such a miracle that I’m just happy watching it happen.
Milestones: Oh, pretty much every day is a milestone. It’s one more day we get to have little E with us and that’s a miracle.
The last belly shot we posted was from 12 weeks. E is definitely growing in there!
However, there’s apparently a set format for these updates that includes TMI items like stretch marks and weight gain. No thanks. But these women that just dive right in are the ones I suspect have that pregnancy “glow”.
I feel pretty certain I don’t have that glow. And if I do it’s because my eyes and face are shiny from crying. Seriously. I cry a lot.
Case in point: “Eye of the Tiger” came on the radio one morning last week and after I turned it up loud enough for people in New Mexico to hear, I got teary.
I was crying because I hope E will love Auburn like we do.
I was crying because we live approximately 3.2 million miles away from Auburn so E won’t get to spend weekends there growing up like Chris and I did (Side note: Chris, I love you and our life. I’ll follow you anywhere. But it still made me cry).
I cried because a magnificent fall day Auburn has the potential to be in loveliest place on earth and God created all that fabulousness so by jove, He deserved some praise.
Point proven.
But I also realize this ridiculously self-centered median we use to communicate keeps our family and friends updated on our life. And it’s a pretty fabulous way to document how we felt and what we were thinking when little E was growing.
So, despite the fact that I am still nervous, fearful and awe-struck humbled by this whole experience, I’m doing one of those little pregnancy stat updates. Minus the stretch marks and weight gain.
How far along: 18 weeks
Maternity clothes: Almost all my bottoms are except for my beloved NY& Co stretchy pants. I think I have a few more months in those. Maybe.
Sleep: No lie, this is not the best.
Best Moment of the Week: I’m not positive but I think E was kicking me yesterday morning. Our pastor was preaching about missions from Revelations. He was all kind of fired up (which he normally is when it comes to missions) and it apparently woke E up. It was just 5 quick little sticks in the gut but I’m on high alert for more of them.
Symptoms: All gone except for the tiredness which is completely due to the sleeplessness which is entirely due to the dreams. Well, okay, the belly growing is a symptom.
Food cravings: None. Nada. Zilch. Still have NO appetite. Really, it’s soooo Chris’ kid.
Gender: Just 3 more days till we know. Otherwise known as FREAKING FOREVER!!!
I miss: Okay, I really dislike this question but I have to be honest. I totally miss my treadmill. Giving up running is certainly a sacrifice I am more than willing to make but when mom talks about hitting 7 miles, my heart aches.
What I am Looking Forward to: Honestly, it’s all such a miracle that I’m just happy watching it happen.
Milestones: Oh, pretty much every day is a milestone. It’s one more day we get to have little E with us and that’s a miracle.
The last belly shot we posted was from 12 weeks. E is definitely growing in there!

Cute pic. Your words remind me of how wonderful Auburn is and a little sad we won't be going as much any more. We'll promise to get baby E there as often as possible. It will be so much fun when we go that the memories will last us till the next time we get to go to Auburn. For now,you'll soon be home for Thanksgiving and we'll be visiting together. Love, Mom