Friday, October 9, 2009

Gratitude Friday…

I know. I am the worst blogger ever. It’s not a lack of want to or a lack to stuff to say (because, ya’ll, really, there are some stories to be told), but it is flat out a lack of time and energy.

I’m interviewing again at work. Ya’ll remember how much time that took up last go ‘round. Well, this is taking far longer. We’re going on three weeks here. BUT I finally interviewed someone today who I know is the one. My HR guy said, “no way, I don’t believe you like someone”. Seriously. I just have to get that gut feeling. If I learned nothing else from Linda (and I learned way more) it’s to trust that pit of your stomach gut feeling. So I do.

Anyway, apart from that there have been projects at work and drama along with a very large yearly fundraising campaign of which I am co-chair. I was volunteered. Don’t ya just love it when that happens. It’s the gift that just keeps on giving.

Now on to the gratitude stuff. There’s so much. Honestly, there are daaaaayyyyyssssss worth (please read that as melodramatically as possible) of these that have happened just this week.

First of all, I am very grateful for Tabitha’s ER yesterday and very hopeful for Kelli’s today! God is truly amazing. Please keep them both in your prayers.

I am grateful for some nausea free days recently and grateful I felt well enough last night to finally put away the scrapbook stuff left over from last weekend with Mrs. JT.

I am grateful Fanny went out to dinner last night.

I am grateful Mom and Dad are coming out to visit this weekend. It’s been a really, really, really long time since we’ve seen them.

I am grateful my boss sent me a Cookie Bouquet today so I can eat a cookie for lunch instead of having to force myself to eat something that doesn’t taste very good. Carrie, girl, I have more sympathy for you and your grill cheese pregnancy every day.

And I am so very grateful to have a little baby bump. Yesterday, one of my co-workers told me how cute I looked. Now granted, some of this is Franken Berry cereal (see, I told you there were stories) but I’m trying to wipe that out of my mind and think of it only as little E (who last night, in my crazy pregnancy dreams, was a boy we named Max with droopy eyes and a full beard. Not kidding.)

Ya’ll have a great weekend! And since life may not calm down next week, go ahead and have a great week too!


  1. I'm so grateful for you, your prayers, and your encouragement :) Love you girl!

    p.s. You bump is beautiful!

  2. You look beautiful! And Ditto to what Kelli said! (((HUGS)))

  3. Aaaaaagggghhhhhh!!!! You look so pregnant!! I love it! I need to get down there soon. Dinner was good. I didn't have any Frankenberries though.

  4. You look beeaa-u-tiful! Praying with y'all for your friends' sweet ones, too.
    Aunt Cheryl

  5. Yeah for the baby bump. You do look beautiful, but to me you always look that way. Hope you have a great visit with your parents. See you Friday! Love, Martha

  6. Yay! You are so gorgeous! We are so happy for you guys! Hope you're doing well.

