Thursday, September 24, 2009

Out of touch…

So Chris says to me, “Are you ever gonna write another post?”

I have been rather negligent in my blogging duties. Work has been a major factor but the nausea has certainly played a role. There’s really not much to say when you spend most of your days feeling like pooh. I’m grateful for the pooh but ya’ll don’t want to hear every gory detail.

It’s also been raining or at least cloudy here for almost two weeks. Well, except for Saturday and Sunday which I hear were beautiful. I wouldn’t really know since I spent most of those two days sick either on the couch or in the bed. Anyway, rain always makes me a little less energetic and certainly a lot less creative.

But I do have some good news. I have been nausea free for two days! And so far, today is looking promising. I felt so good on Tuesday I actually cooked dinner and cleaned the kitchen.

Okay, so “cooked” isn’t the best word. I bought a chicken at the grocery store and then made macaroni & cheese and green beans. I guess that’s sort of cooking. Maybe preparing is a better term. My poor husband didn’t know what to do with himself. Food he didn’t have to make, purchase or pillage for? It was most definitely a banner day.

E is doing well. We got to hear the heartbeat last night with our Doppler. Heart rate was around 170 give or take a few because that thing is really hard to count it beats so fast. I loved seeing Chris’ face when we finally found it. He just smiled as we looked at each other. “There it is!”

However, it’s highly likely ya’ll are reading this and saying “That’s it?” And I hear ya. Hang in there because the month of October is slammed packed with visitors, football games and marching contests. Minutes of entertainment will be coming your way soon!


  1. It's OK. It's looking highly likely that I won't make another post until the end of the semester. :-) Yay for nausea free days, though! Hope that trend continues!

  2. Yay for the Dopler! And we forgive you for not posting as much, most of your creative juices are going into growing E, and that is more than acceptable!

  3. So glad you've been feeling better the last couple days!! Can't wait to hear all about your October adventures! xo

  4. Glad you're feeling better. We're looking forward to our visit. Hope your not too tired of company when we get there since we're ths last ones. Love you, take care of baby E.
    Soon-to-be Meme (for the first time!)

  5. Good to read something!! I want to hear baby E's heartbeat when I get there in October!! Love From Nana to baby E and Mom to Ladybug:)
