"Oh, okay. A little weak. A little nauseous."
(Chuckle) "Our little baby is kickin’ your tail, huh babe?"
"Yes, thank you."
Just when I think I’ve got it figured out, the sun comes up and what worked the day before does not work today. So far, the key has been saltine crackers, ginger ale and hard candies. Those seem to keep both the nausea and the light-headedness at bay. Which is good since that has become pretty much my entire diet with a muffin or two thrown in there.
And Mexican food.
For reasons completely inexplicable, E seems fine with anything covered in cheese, salsa and sour cream. I don’t get to eat very much of it before my stomach tells me I’m done but what I do eat tastes fabulous.
So I’m convinced E has a little Spanish DNA in there somewhere.
As compared to the Mexican food, the saltine crackers taste very unleven bread like from the Lord’s Supper.
Maybe the baby’s Hebrew too.
Anyway, I feel as if I’ve hit a rite of passage for pregnant women. Saltines and ginger ale? That’s like pregnancy folk lore. But it does work. And I am eternally grateful for that.
I’m also grateful to have a reason for the nausea.
Here’s E’s latest picture:

Ultrasound was yesterday. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. 174 beats per minute. I cried. I stopped myself before I hit ugly crying thankfully. It was fabulous to hear. I think E looks like a little teddy bear. The baby was wiggling around and kicking his/her little leg. Definitely related to Chris. He can’t keep his legs still either.
It was our last appointment with our RE. We move to the regular OB now. And I stopped the prometrium. That’s bliss. It was sad to leave my RE and his staff. They are so wonderful and after being a patient for a whole year, the entire staff knows us. Rather well. Dr. K said they were all so happy for us. We were a hard case and even this time we all knew it wouldn’t be a slam dunk. I’m nothing if not a challenge.
Just reminded me how much of a miracle this is.
Okay, got to stop now so I can cry and praise God for a little while. Isn’t He just amazing?
Sweet One looks like a little dancing teddy bear. Future marching band member or choreographer?
ReplyDeleteLove y'all,
Aunt Cheryl
ReplyDeleteLove, Nana
Baby E is beautiful!!!!
ReplyDeleteHE IS AMAZING!! And so is that precious little miracle growing inside of your tummy. You know what? I almost feel sorry for crazy-fertiles...because I don't think they could EVER feel the joy that us infertiles feel of the life growing inside. Sure, they'd be happy, even ecstatic to be pregnant, but we (hopefully someday for me!) feel the true MIRACLE of life and we can praise our God for it!! I think that's how God intended pregnancy to be, and that's an extra blessing for us...
ReplyDeleteAmazing!!! I agree with Tab - I know there is no fertile out there who can fully experience the joy you feel and I will feel when I hold that miracle in my arms. Pure joy!