Monday, July 20, 2009

Does talking to your ovaries mean you need a different type of medication?

First things first.

Happy Birthday Fanny!!!!

When are we getting together again? I have some serious concerns about Sookie and the path of the show. And those need to be discussed. At length. Not to mention that I am dangerously close to being able to eat Taco Bell again and there’s no one I’d rather break hormone injected meat and processed cheese product with than you. Love you!!!

Now, we’re on day 9 of stimming here. At which point Lulu and Rita decided to make their presence known. I have no real way to describe this other than to say they start talking to me.

It’s not like I’m feeling pain.

It’s more of a twinge.

Or maybe a little nudge.

I can generally tell who’s speaking based on the location of said nudge. Middle of my belly is Lulu. To the far right is Rita.

Chris says how do you know that’s where they are.

And I directed him to my numerous dates with the wand as evidence. And then said, trust me. I just know.

Generally, the girls are quiet as long as I’m still. I start going hog wild and doing crazy stuff like, oh, walking down the hall and they start complaining.

I know, right. That walking stuff is just whacked-out insanity.

Generally, my responses back to them are along the lines of “hang on girls, almost there” or “I hear ya but there’s no way to beam over to the kitchen so deal with the walking”.

So if you need me sometime this week, you’ll need to walk your pretty self on over because I’m moving as little as possible. No need to anger the girls. I can’t imagine what kind of hormonal temper-tantrum they would throw then.


  1. Sounds like Lulu and Rita need some lessons in manners. Sheesh!

  2. Thanks for my birthday shoutout! I've already had Taco Bell today and plan to do so at least once more. I'm ready to get together whenever you are.

  3. Have you thought about roller blades vs walking, at least for now?


  4. Can you come talk to mine? She's not cooperating and won't listen to me. grr.

  5. Sounds painful! I think the meds are doing the job you want them to do. You need no other type of medication, for now, but later how about a diet Dr. Pepper?
    Love, Mom

  6. I'm all over a toast of Diet Dr. Pepper. Hang in there. It's getting close. Still praying.
