Monday, July 27, 2009

The Big Introduction...

Tomorrow at 12:45 pm, Chris and I will finally meet two of our little embryos. I remember seeing the picture of our precious little ones last time. It was just overwhelming. I imagine this is how it feels when normal girls get the positive home pregnancy test. They see that + and immediately are in love with the life growing inside of them. I felt that same emmence love when I saw that gorgeous photo.
And I can't wait to feel that again tomorrow.
Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement. God is good. Every day He is good. Tomorrow will be no different. Regardless of how many embryos have survived or if we are not able to get pregnant this time. He is good. And I am grateful.


  1. Congradulations sweet girl! You deserve this!!!

  2. Can't wait to see those precious ones!

  3. What an exciting day!! I'll say a prayer for you, Chris and your 2 embies tomorrow at 12:45!!! Good luck!!

  4. Can't wait to see what God has in store. Praying for you, Christopher, and all the medical personnel involved. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord! Love you, Martha

  5. Amen! Love You Ladybug
