Friday, March 20, 2009

It’s the party where pink flamingos appear in your yard…

We had our follow-up appointment with our RE yesterday. He didn’t offer us too much in the way of vast insightful thoughts on what did or did not go wrong. Overall, the process went well. My estrogen level was rockin’ awesome. My lining was great. And despite Lulu’s best attempts at laziness, eggs were produced.

I just don’t have many of them to give.

Lulu and Rita seem to be the ones to blame here. My ovaries are older and less healthy than the rest of me. While I feel the same as I did (if not better) at 24 and my physical health is that of a 26 year old (thank you to that true body age testing), my ovaries are wearing little black hats that read “Lordy, Lordy, look who’s 40”. Some of the eggs the girls are spitting out could be good and some could be bad. There are “Rockin’ Hot” 40-somethings out there and there are “Seriously, Only” 40-somethings too. Eggs are the same.

But that may not be the only issue. There’re two of us trying to make a baby here. It could be a sperm thing. That one we might never really know. Hard to tell when there are millions of those guys. Likely, within those millions, there are 6 or so that are good enough to make a baby. That’s all we need.

Bottom line: He doesn’t really know if we’re dealing with an egg quality or a sperm quality issue. Could be either. Could be both. Could be neither.

How’s that for a non-answer answer?

Dr. K is not a big believer in the alternative approaches to improving those two issues. We touched on vitamin supplements, acupuncture and dietary changes. There are studies in support of those and studies that show no change. Well, we’ve already been down one road that did no good – nadda, zippo, zilch – but did manage to waste a lot of time, energy and oh, yeah, cash.

Cash. Which brings us to the final question. Would he recommend we do this again?

He said, take the financial situation out, and yes, he would recommend we do it again. We’ll have maybe a 40% chance of it working if things go as they did this past time.

So where does that leave us? I’m not really sure. At this point, we’re not ready to commit to anything. I do have a plan though, thanks to Stephanie, so for now, we’re working with that. This go round we have time to wait. My body needs to return to normal and we’ve got to save. Seriously save. Like every purchase we make the question “Do I want this more than a family?” will need to be addressed.

We’ll also be doing a lot of praying. A. Lot.

Gratitude Friday coming soon.


  1. Well, it wasn't that bad. I think your present plan is a good one! You know we are praying too! Love, Mom

  2. We're praying too. God has a plan and one of the things I will pray is that we will reveal His plan to you in a way that you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is His will. Love you both. Martha
