Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Introducing LuLu and Rita…

How about something light today? Before I can tell you about our IVF experiences, I need to introduce you Lulu and Rita.

Or my left ovary and my right ovary.

Here’s the thing, I feel like these organs have a life of their own during this process. They make a lot of noise and the further along with the shots you get they start to make your life rather miserable. Yet, they need to be handled very carefully. You don’t want to do anything to make them angry or excited.

We knew from previous appointments with the who-ha cam that Lefty was rather lazy. She never did much work at all, in fact. She seemed content allowing Righty to do everything.

Honestly, the difference was not that surprising to me. My left side has a long history of being the more disappointing side of my body.

* My left foot is slightly larger. And seriously, no woman wants larger feet. Ever.

* My left side is more ticklish. It even tickled getting the ginormous progesterone shots on that side. There’s nothing funny about those shots.

* My left kicks were never as high as my right. Try as I might, they were always a struggle. Fortunately, I didn’t have glamorous dreams of becoming a Rockette.

I’m not at all sure when I decided to create the back story and give them names. I will say that when I started referring to them by name at my appointments, our nurse and RE found it to be funny. Although not as funny as Chris’ reaction to it. That was hilarious. I truly think he was slightly embarrassed and rather perplexed. Both by me and at me.

And can I just say how completely worth it was to make everyone laugh? Infertility offices can be, well, not the most uplifting of places. I decided to have some fun.

So here’s the story. Lulu and Rita are, of course, twins. Great parents, great friends, great life. But Lulu was never the achiever. She made average grades, went to an average school and would have been content to have an average life. Except for the beauty pageants. In those, she excelled. Not surprisingly, she met a wealthy man, became a trophy wife and lives a rather leisurely existence getting her mani/pedi each week and shopping.

Rita, on the other hand, was an over-achiever. Perfect grades, valedictorian, ivy league college, law school and is planning to be a supreme court justice by age 40. She’s not married because, well, she doesn’t have time but she does find herself talking Lulu through whatever tragedy she is enduring on any given day.

They love on another dearly but are definitely two different sides of the same coin.

So there you have it, Lulu and Rita. A predictable tale. Nothing overly creative. Except for the fact I named them to start with. If you can’t laugh at life, then you take yourself too seriously.

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