Monday, January 19, 2009

It’s alive and other unimportant information…

Thank you for your emails of concern last week. Despite how it might have appeared, I was not dead. Just buried. Under a rather large mountain of work. And the mountain grows with each passing hour. I worked late Friday night in an attempt to avoid coming in over the weekend. I successfully avoided it but I shouldn’t have. Those few things I left undone on Friday are still undone. But I shall conquer! At some point.

Apart from work, I have nothing to report. But since 1) you all know that’s not true and 2) you’re all dying to hear some totally useless tidbit from me, I’ll share two goals I managed to accomplish last week.

New Year’s Resolution: I gave up soda. All forms. Yes, that includes Diet Dr. Pepper. I know. It was a tremendous sacrifice. Since January 1st I have had nothing to drink other than water, my morning work-out Propell and one solitary glass of tea. Last Friday marked 2 solid weeks of this insanity and considering I wasn’t at all positive I would make it to noon on the 1st, I think that’s a huge accomplishment. Yes, you may bask in my glory.

Goal I never could seem to hit: I ran a marathon last week. 26.2 miles. The breakdown is as follows:

Monday - 7 miles
Wednesday – 7 miles
Friday – 7.2 miles
Saturday – 5 miles

My knees did not enjoy the run on Saturday. I really struggled through those. But I did it and that felt pretty good. However, I suspect I won’t be doing that again anytime soon. I normally just like to hit 20 and be done with it. I guess I can do 21 now if I stick with the 7 miles thing. Which might be a fabulous idea considering GIRL SCOUT COOKIES are here. Oh, those things are evil. And delicious.

Strangely enough, these two goals are completely connected. I noticed that the switch from soda to water made a tremendous difference in my morning run. I was actually able to do it without feeling like I was going to die. Who could have imagined being hydrated would make that big of a difference? Huh.
I knew once I made the switch drinking enough water wouldn’t be a problem. I’m what you’d call a habitual drinker. I drink. All. Day. Long. One day last week I decided to count the number of ounces I’d drank and it came up to 84 ounces. I ended the day with 96 after another bottle with dinner. Seriously.

So that’s my life. Sorry you kept checking back for that, aren’t ya? Don’t’ worry, I promise not to make a blog entry for every ounce of water I drink or every mile I run. Because while that would be way fun for me, I suspect not so much for you.


  1. Good to hear from you! I should have more water, running is hard. Love, Mom

  2. I'm tired just reading about the 26.2 miles. And now that I've typed it, I think I need to lay down and rest.
