Monday, December 1, 2008

Dad totally lied to me…

Yesterday we put away Thanksgiving and started decorating for Christmas. I say “started” because we were both tired and slow moving and well, “Lord of the Rings” was on and I got completely sucked in to that. I cannot resist those movies. I have no explanation for it but it’s a fact regardless.

Anyway, we’re about half way through.

Chris was putting the lights on the Christmas tree (so sorry, Fanny, but Chris swears its not really Christmas without the tree and when the husband hits you with those puppy dog eyes, you just cave. I’m so weak) and we were discussing the outside lights. I have never been a fan of lights on a house, white or otherwise. I am my mother’s daughter and believe they are “tacky, tacky, tacky”. I think it all boils down to symmetry. They’re just not even and that drives this slightly OCD girl absolutely mad.

However, my husband loves them so we compromised with white icicle lights a couple of years ago. They look okay. As long as he follows the roof line. And I try desperately to not look at them.

Anyway, Chris starts telling me this story:

“You know when I was kid I would bug my dad to death trying to convince him to put up fun multi-colored lights on the house. But nooooo. We couldn’t because Mom didn’t like them. He would tell me, son, when you grow up and have your own house you can put up as many colored lights as you want.

And you know what? He totally lied to me.

What he should have said was son, when you grow up and have a house of your own, your wife will tell you if you can put up colored lights.”

Yeah, completely sucks to be married to me. Sorry, it was in our wedding vows. If he can claim “no Christmas music before we eat turkey” was in there, I can claim “no tacky multi-colored Christmas lights will be hung or displayed in, on, around or near my home”.


  1. I agree!! No lights! A spot light(s) is nice on the house with wreaths. Not really Christmas without the tree, unless your daughter is marrying on 12/16 then you but lights on the ficus plant and your son calls it the devil's tree. A Christmas to remember! Love, Mom

  2. I totally agree however I did cave and let George put colored lights on our tree every other year until we got a fake one that had colored and white and a remote control to switch back and forth so we both win!

  3. Since I'm one of those you were talking about at Thanksgiving (emailing instead of commenting) I thought I'd comment on this issue. Yeh, I'm guilty of raising your husband to believe it's not Christmas if you don't put up a tree. I'll also admit that as I child I began listening to Christmas music in July. I can't help it I love Christmas. Even though I know that everything I put out I have to put up in a month I just love to decorate for Christmas but do try to keep it tasteful. Martha

  4. Tell Chris that Jim didn't lie to him. He just assumed when he had his first house he would not be married. The "I do" clause negates anything that a dad told his son concerning being able to do totally what he wants to do. When you say that phrase you then become responsible for so much more than your own wants. Of course this works both ways. That clause is only two words but it changes everything. When you have the right partner (as your mom and I, you and Chris and Jim and Martha) it's a blessing. Tell Chris that the compromise in this case was the perfect decision. When both of you look at those lights, see love not resentment.
