I believe we are more tired from the weekend than from the regular week. That makes me just all kinds of excited about this week. Overtired children are such fun.
Look how gorgeous they are! They asked for me to take their picture. Please know, this was Day Two of the Avengers shirt. I have a three day limit. After that, the shirt could almost walk on it's own. Although, it does reduce the amount of laundry I have to do significantly.
So there's that...
Friday was a usual day. Kids' Park, grocery store and then home for...
...The Return of Pancake Friday!
Chris is back at work full-time now. At least until August 1, when he will be back at work triple time. But who's counting hours?
The kids love pancakes. They eat at least four full bites before they're ready to run off and play. That's some good eating.
Saturday, we finally had our "The New House Can't Hold All This Stuff" yard sale. We seriously overestimated our ability to just MAKE IT WORK. I spent two hours in the garage Friday getting it all organized and set up. That's commitment. Because it's crazy hot.
And good news. Our house faces east so we get the glorious morning sun. And no shade. We were sitting in our neighbor's yard in her sliver of shade.
We sold a whole bunch of the random decorating stuff. A couple of the big furniture pieces too. The rest of the furniture we gave to some neighbor's looking to furnish two rooms at their church. And we met a good many of our neighbors too. That was nice. I have now met more people in this neighborhood in the past month than I did in four years at our last place.
I like it here.
Rhys had a good time playing with my camera. He took pictures of lots of people and things. I'm 112% positive none of our visitors knew their photos were being taken so I'll leave those off. But he did get this cute picture of his feet.
Look at those chubby little toes! OH, eat him up!
After the yard sale, some friends came for a playdate. So hamburgers, swimming, popsicles and running all over the house lasted for several hours. We had a blast.
And the remaining energy of the morning was run off.
The men in the house fell asleep during quiet time. When Rhys is really tired, he will lay down, cover up and crash. Saturday, he did just that. Chris didn't get home from his band trip until after midnight so he fell asleep on the couch. He earned that nap.
So I busted AK out of quiet time for a little girls' trip to explore our new little city. We'd driven down there with Mom while Rhys was napping last week and I was excited to check it out. Pumpkin's always excited for a date.
Sweet girl!
There's a little boutique down there. They sell those fancy toddler brand name clothes. The ones I've never been able to afford. Even second hand, they were too expensive. I just wanted to see what we could find on their end of the season clean out. She wanted everything in there but I was able to talk her into a simple pink dress and the necklace she begged for.
Rare are the days when I can just spoil my daughter. And even if I could, I wouldn't. But I do love buying her something simply because she's my daughter. No other reason. A Mommy and Me date deserves pink, ya know?
After the boutique, we went across the street to a local antique store. Super cute. We didn't buy a single thing but I had a good time sharing it with my daughter. Not sure she completely understands why her mother would want to look at a bunch of old stuff for fun, but she understands the store was full of old stuffed animals and baby dolls. THAT was fun for her.
We took a selfie in the store. Please, don't miss her adorable new necklace. Precious!
Late afternoon, we loaded up everyone for a trip to pick up a new-to-us kitchen sink and aqua chevron tablecloth.
Our kitchen has the original builder's sink. It's extremely shallow. Instead of spending an arm and leg on a new sink, we got a used one off a local trading site. It's in great condition and I'm looking forward to being able to fit a pot all the way into the water to clean it.
Of course, it's marching season and it'll take a couple of hours to get it installed. It could easily be Thanksgiving before he's able to finish the project.
It's okay. I've got plenty of projects to do in the meantime.
Sunday, we visited a local church. Aubrey Kate said, "There wasn't much about it I didn't like." I swear. She's five going on fifty. Rhys was not as thrilled. Some of the girls in his class wouldn't let him play in the pirate ship on the playground. They got to see the woman at the well bible story told by puppets. AK loved telling us the entire story. Complete with a description of their props (cups of "well water").
The afternoon was a trip to the park for the band picnic. The band kids plan it and only teenagers would plan a picnic at 2:00 pm. In July. In Texas. It was 120 degrees. The kids (mine) were all kinds of red faced. I dropped them off and ran a couple of errands. Not too many because HOT.
We came home to swimming, dinner and bed.
I mean. I'm not entirely sure we could have done more this weekend.
I need a nap!
Love it! I'm so thankful you all are happy there.