Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Three, Three, THREE!!!

So it seems we have a new three year old in the house.  Although, Rhys won't actually SAY he's three.  Fourteen, maybe.  Nine, sometimes.  But not three.  Just NO.

To which I say, OKAY THEN.  

Regardless, he did enter this world three years ago.  

This is his last picture as a two year old.  Heaven help me when he loses those chubby cheeks.  I won't be able to stand it.

He had a good birthday.  He played dress up with Buddy and Aubrey Kate.  Don't be fooled by his scowl.  He was having a good time.  Promise. 

For dinner, we went out to a local BBQ place.  Nothing fancy AT ALL.  He got fruit, french fries, lemonade and Nana's iPad.  That's a good night for a toddler!

Saturday was his actual party.  Although, I use the word "party" loosely.  We invited many but only a few could come.  It's summer.  He'll always fight that, I suspect.  

But BE OF GOOD CHEER!  These days, schools are celebrating HALF birthdays for all those poor summer babies.  

Whew.  We wouldn't want them to be improperly celebrated.

But regardless of the numbers, we decorated, ate, swam and had an overall splashingly good time.

Rhys was incredibly spoiled by our family.  He didn't ask for much and he didn't need much.  Except for pajamas.  Which has become the most requested gift for birthdays and Christmas'.  These kids.  They just KEEP GROWING.

He was about to burst to open all those packages.  Mean Mom that I am, I made him sit for a photo first.


Documentation before celebration.

I feel that I should also mention...Rhys selected his outfit for the day.  And because God is GOOD, the shirt and shorts actually matched.  Chris was in charge of getting him dressed so I questioned him about the bizarre selection, as Rhys prefers to never match.  But he swears Rhys picked it out all by himself.  

(I'll leave the obvious question of, "WHY WON'T HE DO THAT FOR MOMMA?" alone and move on like the big girl I want you to believe I am.)

Hard to tell, but those PJ's right there?  Yeah, those?  They are Spider Man.  Also known as the only PJ's he wore for five days straight.  He's moved on to the Mickey Mouse pj's this week.  Although, he's worn a new shirt and shorts every day so while last week was one pair of pjs and one shirt, this week has produced significantly more laundry.

And here you have him.  Delirious with his Mickey pjs, Buzz Lightyear and Captain America.  He's slept with Buzz.  And Captain America.  Which means, at random times during the night, Chris and I might just get serenaded by talking action figures.  

Super fun.

This last picture is just before bedtime.  I love this boy.  He loves super heroes.  But I think he likes me a little bit.  

Happy Birthday, Skillet!  We are grateful for you!

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