You know THAT point.
The point where we just throw STUFF in a box. Random, mismatched, from various locations STUFF.
Of course, these are the first boxes that get opened. Since they are the last ones packed, they're the first ones off the POD. Which means, I'll be surrounded by random stuff until I unpack the boxes in the back of the POD.
Super. Excited.
This weekend was a haze of boxes and cleaning and sorting and keeping children from fighting over EVERY SINGLE THING.
Friday, Chris and I had our second date of the year. The students gave him a PF Chang's gift card and an AMC gift card. So we went for a lunch date and then to see The Avengers.
Yes. That movie selection was my choice.
Overall, I prefer movies that make me think. HOWEVER, movies that require zero thought are not all bad either. And I do love superheros. And science fiction. My father's daughter.
Plus, Iron Man is funny. Arrogant, but funny.
Saturday, the kids went with Chris up to school for Band Hall Cleaning Day.
Yeah. That's a thing.
I ran some errands and when I got back, they proudly displayed to me their "money-ies." So when students cleaned out the lockers, they were finding lose change. And giving it to my kids. Who then started straight up asking for money.
Going from student to student, holding out their play kitchen pot and begging for extra change.
That's right, y'all. My kids learned the skilled art of panhandling on Saturday.
I'm just gonna leave that right there for y'all to enjoy/ingest/ponder.
After church on Sunday, we loaded up HALF of the garage filled with our donation pile.
Five bags of clothes went to a clothing closet in a nearby city. They are a FREE clothing closet. You give, you get. You don't give, you still get. Regardless of income. Come, give, receive. I might have gotten a little teary pulling up to this warehouse in this tiny Texas town in 90% humidity. The parking lot was FULL.
Another five or so boxes of housewares went to our local Goodwill. I shop there often. The store is well organized and clean. I find amazing deals. And lots of clothes new with tags. The staff is wonderfully nice and always so pleasant. It's the first place I go when I have a project. Or am on the hunt for something "new" for my wardrobe.
I can't believe we had that much stuff.
But I am so grateful we were able to give and give to two organizations I respect.
Today, we closed on our house. Officially, we are debt-free and homeless. At least until we buy our new house. Don't worry. I'm not trying to keep it a secret. But after losing our first house here four years ago at the 11th hour, I tend to be cautious.
The new house is a good story though. Full of love notes from my Father.
He loves us so, friends.
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