At this very moment, Chris is packing.
And I am doing nothing of significance. Because I am DONE.
The second POD got loaded last night and sweet mercy, every single inch of that thing is packed.
And YET, we still have more stuff in the house.
I don't get it.
Of course, the first POD was not filled to the gills. Had it been, we might be a whole lot closer.
The kids rooms are almost empty. AK still has one dresser. But their clothes are packed in their suitcases. The toys aren't packed yet because, well, we still have a full day and a half before we hit the road for Alabama.
But Toys? Consider yourself on notice. The boxes ARE gonna happen.
With all our beds packed, we are sleeping on one full size air mattress.
Listen. We sleep on a king.
As a young bride, I swore...SWORE...we would never have a king. Because how can a couple snuggle properly when they are a mile apart.
The answer is they can't.
Almost 15 years in, but still totally young (did you laugh?), a king size bed makes for a HAPPY MARRIAGE.
We have a king bed for one reason (besides the fact that I now know I am NOT a cuddly sleeper. I'm more of a "why are you all in my personal space" sleeper.). That reason being Chris SNORES. And he doesn't believe me. Which just makes the whole punching him so he'll turn over thing oh so much fun. He literally EVERY TIME believes he's not even asleep. He's actually said, "I'M AWAKE!" Trust me, dude, you are very NOT awake. I am awake. You are sleeping like a five year old little boy.
After a particularly long night of extra loud NOT SNORING, the morning can be a little tense while he tries to forgive me for punching him all night long and I try to forgive him for snoring all night long.
So sleeping? It didn't really happen last night.
Or likely tonight.
But GOOD NEWS, Chris got an awesome nap today.
(Sarcasm font.)
(Which, I should tell you, we are teaching AK to speak fluently. She'll point at us now and say, "That's sarcasm, right?" Well done, girl. Well done.)
Thus HE is packing and I am DONE.
The kids' beds have been packed up too. However, when Aunt Linda and Aunt Lori came to visit four weeks ago, they brought them these awesome beach mats. Complete with head pillows. They have been sleeping on those ever since.
So basically, their lives haven't changed a bit.
Here they are modeling their mats:
AK did switch back and forth between the mat and her bed but Rhys? He's never slept in his bed again. Think about how BIG his room will be without a bed!
(Kidding, Mom.)
We had to pack up last night during the rain from Tropical Storm Bill. Today, he dropped over three inches of rain on our already saturated world. Chris hung a tarp between the POD and the roof. He used our plastic patio bistro table, a laundry basket turned upside down and a tall piece of scrap wood to create a sloped tarp roof. You know, so the rain would drain off.
He took a picture. I don't have it and have I mentioned I am DONE so if I were more driven, I might hunt for it. But I'm not. So you'll have to use your imagination.
And when you do use your imagination, please create a meme with the picture and slap the words, "You might be a redneck if..." right on there.
Thank you.
Anyway, Bill. Today has been a bit rainy. As will tomorrow, I hear. POD 2 gets picked up tomorrow and POD 3 then gets delivered. Nothing will be packed inside, however, because Chris has to work on Thursdays. So it's back on me to get over being DONE and power on through to finish the packing.
Again, Toys, I'm looking at you.
If you've got any prayers, we sure would love some over the next couple of days. Packing, cleaning and getting out of town will likely all PILE on top of us in an avalanche of emotions and crazed last-minute madness.
Kinda like a tarp full of Tropical Storm Bill crashing down.
This song has been running through my head ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY. And so, I'm passing it on to you. Enjoy!
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