Yes, yes, it is August 4th. And yes, yes, Rhys' birthday is in July. Summer birthdays. I had him scheduled for July but, well, did you know doctor's take vacations too? So we got bumped to August.
Which means, hence forth, forever more, he will have his yearly check up in August.
Insurance is the awesomest.
The good news is Rhys is totally healthy. Small, but healthy.
Bless him, he's started to remember what happens at the doctor's office. And since he had so many ear infections and various viruses this last year, he associates the office with uncomfortable stuff.
So the appointment started off a little shaky. When they called us back, he started crying and saying, "Hold 'chew!" First was the weigh-in and height check. He got to stand on the big scale this time. Like all the big kids. But he wasn't all that sure he wanted to give it a try.
Big Sister stepped in and gave him a demonstration. Y'all. I almost started crying. "Rhys! Look, it's easy! Just stand here and wait!"
It worked and he stepped right up. Weighed in at 29 lbs which is 61st percentile. That's up three pounds in the past six months. Considering he's surviving almost exclusively on milk, I'm pleased.
Then came the height chart. Again, Sister stepped right up to the wall to show Brother how it's done. But this time, he wasn't buying it. Off to the table. He squirmed (you're KIDDING!) (sarcasm font) so it took a couple of tries but we ended up agreeing on 35 inches. That's 71st percentile.
And for the purpose of documentation, his head circumference is 47.5 cm. 20th percentile. He's always had a small head.
Forgive me. I almost can't stand the cuteness of a toddler in a diaper. They had a gown for him but SHOCK, he wouldn't wear it.
Just like for AK's two year appointment, I had to fill out a crazy questionnaire. I set up an obstacle course for Aubrey Kate but I didn't have to do that for Rhys.
He wins at everything physical. He kicks balls, climbs everything standing still, stacks...and knocks down...blocks, jumps, runs, dances, swings, slides, claps and sings.
As for verbal, he's kinda exploded in the past three months. He's saying three and even four word sentences. Yesterday, I went in to get him from nap and he said, "Momma, missed you!"
And then my heart exploded with joy.
Today he "sang" the chorus to the song we were listening too in the car. Really, considering he had like five words at the end of the school year and now he says most anything he wants (and some things I'd rather him not say), it's a big jump.
Overall, he's still an absolute mess. A gigantic (or at least a 71%) ball of energy. He's every bit of two. Throws totally impressive tantrums if he doesn't get his way. Or, heaven forbid, we tell him no. Chris took something away from him today at lunch. He walked around crying for a solid five minutes. The remaining SANE three people in the house could only laugh. Eventually, he started playing with his sister's dress up clothes and stopped crying.
That gave us the chance for this:
Please notice the Princess slippers. Uncle Adam and Aunt Carrie likely never pictured them on their nephew. But look. He adores his sister. Wants to be just like her. And, so we wear her slippers.
I can hardly believe he's two. I held him just a little longer before putting him down for nap today. He was tired and snugly. I prayed over him and just soaked him in. He's such an amazing miracle. Look how much he's grown! He's not my baby anymore. And I have no idea how that happened so fast.
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One year ago... |
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Two years ago... |
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