Hello from Day 7 of Band Camp 2014!
Our Terrific Threesome is holding up well. Only a couple of total meltdowns crying for Daddy and those mostly came after some form of discipline. The little people in our threesome really, really, really hate being told "no."
Chris, on the other hand, is pretty close to Zombie-like. That awesome fall-like weather from last week? Looooonnnnnggggg gone. The usual triple degree heat, however, is back in full force. 102 today. Plus there's the whole 16+ hour work days.
He said he came home last night, around 11:00 pm-ish (the "ish" is because he honestly cannot remember when he came home. Band Directors and Frat Boys. It's like they're the same thing.), jumped in the shower and when he got out, he started putting his contacts back in. Because he thought it was time to go back to work.
I'm only been that exhausted when there was a newborn in the house.
He gets to do it every year. For forever.
Right about now, I am grateful I gave up the clarinet in seventh grade. Whew.
Our week has revolved around Chris' schedule even more than ever before. The kids are very aware he's not around. I want to make sure they see him as much as they can without being a drain on him during what little breaks he has. There is a fruit break at 9:15 am, lunch at 11:30 am and then dinner break at 4:30 pm.
Yep. 4:30 pm.
We haven't gone up everyday for every one of those breaks. But I've tried to hit one or two of them a day. In and around those times, we've had some fun.
There was some dress up time...
And, of course, we needed to make sure Wunderheart was fancy too...
After dinner at the band hall, we headed out for a treat of FroYo. The kids love...LOVE...cherries...
More "fanciness" at Paradise Pond, a ministry of Grapevine First Baptist. If you happen to have an old sanctuary and are looking for a great use of space, I recommend this. Awesomeness...
Rhys adores playing in the car area at Paradise Pond...
There was a morning picnic in our PJ's. This was her "Cheese" face. Precious...
This weekend is tax free weekend. We don't have a whole lot to buy for school but there were a couple of things. And, well, 8.5% savings isn't a whole lot but it does add up when everything else is on sale along with it.
Our babysitter (who is on her way to college and FOR THE LOVE, can babysitters stop moving away to college!) came over this morning so I could run an errand BY MYSELF. Tra-la-la.
Last week, we did some looking for tennis shoes after we came up short at the consignment shops. She selected these from Target. Thankfully, they were on sale this week. Plus the whopping 8.5%.
So I grabbed those. But on my way home, I stopped by Hobby Lobby, grabbed my photo splits and took the long way out via the clearance section. There I saw these precious pink fabric tennis shoes. I'm sure they are meant to be painted on or have sparkles glued to them but I figured my little pinkalious girl would like them just the way they were.
Got home and showed her both options. Ta-da!
Perfect. And less than five bucks.
Since I was taking pictures, Home Skillet wanted in on the action. Really, it is simply NOT possible for these two to be more adorable. And he was shirtless because he had to wash his hands to get the marker off he'd colored on himself. Rhys + water = wet shirt/wet floor/wet countertops.
Along with sneakers, we needed a backpack for the little guy. AK got her first backpack at two. Seems reasonable to move him into one too. He's too old for the diaper bag. Thus we are now a two backpack family!
He wasn't excited or anything. I wish I had a video of him saying "backpack." It's knock-you-over precious.
(SIDENOTE: This morning as I was fixing lunches to go to the band hall, Rhys came into the kitchen and said, "U makin', Momma?" I died. It was so sweet. )
All in all, a great first week without Daddy. I kept us busy. And there were pancakes for dinner. Because why not.
Stay tuned for Band Camp, Week 2 and Band Camp, Week 3. To be closely followed by September, October and November.
Sounds like a busy week. Love the backpack on Rhys. Just like Sister.