Monday, October 27, 2014

And We're In...

Another true confession beginning:  My house is a complete WRECK.  

It's really embarrassing.  Even though the only people who have seen it are also forced to live smack in the middle of it.

There's oh so much I should be doing right now but I'm gonna write instead.  I like to live on the edge.  

This past Saturday was area/region/city/district/tribe UIL competition for the marching band.  The previous Saturday had been the first round, which they easily passed, so they could move on to this next round.  I think it's actually "area" but honestly, I can't keep up.  

Personally, I like "tribe."  It's okay.  I'm 1/16th Cherokee.  They are my people.  

From this area/tribe competition, the bands move on to state marching contest.

So to tell you about this past Saturday, I need to give you the low down on our district.  And by "district," I mean our actual school district.  We're a tad competitive around here.  The first competition of the year was a BOA competition.  Bands of America.  They don't so much care where the schools are from.  It might be a more even playing field.  Anyway, this year the top three schools...and medal winners...were all in our school district.  

I tell Chris all the time our district's Fine Arts Director has the MOST JOB SECURITY ever.  

(Yes, Texas school districts have Fine Arts Directors.  Not all but likely the larger ones do.)

The band goes to San Antonio every year for the second round of BOA competition and THIS YEAR, because marching season simply isn't long enough, they're going to Grand Nationals in Indianapolis.  

Sounds super fancy, right?

They'll be marching on the Indianapolis Colts' field.  Chris may or may not have totally geeked out this summer creating an exact replica of the field for a power point show.

Geeked.  Out.

Okay, so back to UIL.  The way the area/regions/tribes work around here, our band happens to be in a ridiculously competitive branch.  Besides the three schools already in our district, there are at least two other traditional marching band power houses.

The best way I know how to describe this is to say they are like what Notre Dame or Alabama or OU are to college football.  People expect them to be fabulous.  Year after year.  Sometimes they are and sometimes, new schools rise up OUT OF NOWHERE (sarcasm font) and challenge their dynasty.

Dun, dun, dunnnnn...

Here's the thing about marching band or college football traditional powerhouses:  What people expect to see, they sometimes see.  Even when it's not there.  

So imagine if Lou Hotz got a say so in referring a Notre Dame football game.  As a professional (and I use that term lightly) football analyst, he impartial when it comes to calling the game.  But he's not.  He's gonna look at every penalty called and argue for it to be called in favor of Notre Dame.

Stupid annoying.

Marching band isn't much different.  

Judges come from the profession.  They've seen decades of marching band performances.  From awful to amazing.  With those decades, they also bring their own prejudices and expectations to the panel.  They're professionals who have excelled at their craft but they're human.

And humans kinda suck sometimes.

So it can be hard for new schools to break into the state marching contest discussion.  And believe me, there's a discussion.

Chris texted me after the preliminary results were released.  His school was 4th.  Now the top four bands advance on to State but it was just prelims and he was pretty convinced they would be nudged out during finals in favor of one of the two traditional powerhouses.  He felt our band was better but when PEOPLE are involved, it's hard.  

Because let's be honest, one of those bands has gone to state contest every time for the past thirty years.  Our school has only been open half that time.

After he texted, I just got down to the business of praying.  I prayed for open eyes and open ears without prejudices or expectations.  

The band didn't perform again until 9:15 pm.  I had plenty of time to pray.

Late that night, Chris texted...

"We're in.  We finished 3rd!"

Praise the Lord!!!  The top three?  Those same three schools in our district who medaled at BOA.  

This is the FIRST time our band has ever been to state.  The first time.  

The color guard instructor posted a video of the band cheering when their name was called.  I told Chris it was really subdued considering.  He said, Yeah, I kinda prepped them.  Told them to remember there are other bands on either side of us who aren't going so we need to be aware of that."

Because we're in, they're out.

I can't imagine being a part of the band who doesn't make state for the first time in thirty years.  How awful must they feel?  Yikes.  

So proud of Chris for teaching the kids such a valuable lesson.  Even in victory, there is a place for grace.  Think of others before you act.  Remember you are part of something bigger than just our band.  You are part of this tribe of bands and some of your tribe will be staying home.

Like 110% positive he didn't put that much thought into it.  Neither did the kids.  But I was kind enough to translate for him.  

He's so blessed to have me.

Needless to say, the directors are a little crazy-excited.  They were not AT ALL prepared to go to state.  Which is also in San Antonio.  He was at work a good bit of the day yesterday and has assured me to pretty much not expect to see him AT ALL for the next three weeks.  I'm hoping he'll come home and sleep some.  

They'll leave Friday for San Antonio for the already scheduled BOA competition.  Leave at like 6 pm, after school.  Then they'll come home sometime at the crack of dawn Sunday morning.  Go to school Monday and Tuesday before they load up the buses after school on Tuesday to head back down to San Antonio for state.

I'm tired typing that.

The good news, they're going to do a "We're going to state so come see our full show cause we never really give it all to you during a football game because it's just football and WE ARE THE BAND" performance on Tuesday.  The kids and I can go and so can Chris' parents who will be here visiting.  

Chris says since they weren't expecting to make state, they sticking with low expectations.  They've been focused all year on Grand Nationals so state is a little twist to the 2014 marching season plot.

I'm a fan of low expectations.  It's pretty much the only way I survive with two littles.  I expect they will argue and fight and it will take 40 minutes to get just three people out the door on any given day. 

It's also the only way I can function in house I've been coughing too much to clean.  

Congratulations Band!  Grateful God opened the doors so you could be in!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!!! Director's and student's have really worked hard for this. Congradulations Chris! This is big. Enjoy!!
