If you hear my voice wandering around somewhere, please tell it to come back home.
I seem to have lost it.
Ask me how super duper easy it is to give instructions to two little people who do nothing but make noise when all I can do is whisper and make loud gestures with my hands.
Although, not loud enough.
Smoke signals are next.
Apart from my bronchitis and lost voice, Rhys also has a double ear infection. Which we discovered during our follow up appointment for his last ear infection.
Didn't heal.
It multiplied.
Now we have a new (READ: expensive) antibiotic.
Doctor thinks maybe his constant runny nose is thanks to allergies (wonder where he gets those from?) and that may be to blame for his increase in ear infections. We're gonna try some Zyrtec every night and see if that helps.
As for me, I've googled the death out of bronchitis...again...to see if coughing burns extra calories and if there's anyway all of this will lead to six pack abs.
So far, I'm coming up with nadda. Coughing doesn't burn extra calories and it won't whip your abs into shape.
Total shame really.
There should be some benefit to having this much fun.
I'd love to blame my lack of a Gratitude post Friday on the bronchitis. But I can't. However, I can totally blame it on the baby shower we hosted at our house Saturday morning. The couple in our small group who went through IVF this summer are pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl.
She's 29 weeks and the babies are around 3 pounds each. Six pounds of baby. That's how big AK was at 40 weeks. I can't even imagine.
She and her husband are HUGE Disney fans. They might actually give cousin Kimberly a run for her money. Maybe. Kimberly was a big help both with ideas and stuff to help me decorate.
Mommy-To-Be was over the moon happy. And that made covering my house in Mickey Mouse worth it.
Although, it was down a mere hour after the shower ended.
The other hostess, also a small grouper and soon to be mommy of three, commented that really, I had no choice but to go overboard with the theme. After all, I decorated for football and they all saw it.
There's a whole lot of truth in that observation.
But honestly, I go overboard because I love it. Every time I host an event, I think why can't I do this for a living? Handmade parties in homes. Someday maybe...
I'll be saving the pink bunting for Aubrey Kate's birthday party. She announced last week she wants a "Strawberry Party." Not necessarily Strawberry Shortcake. More like "I really want strawberry cupcakes + pink is my favor color = Strawberry Party."
Of course, she'll change her mind a zillion times before April.
When she will turn FOUR. FOUR.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! I'm off to google "Smoke Signals" to see if I can make it through this afternoon. And praying my voice returns.
So cute! AK looks in the theme mode with a Minnie Mouse dress:-)