Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Much to say, no energy to do so...

Fact:  I am too old to stay up until 2:45 am.  

At some point, I am hopeful, I will recover from that decision.  

But not today.

There are approximately 264 posts to write.  Once I stop using nap time to, well, nap, I'll get to writing them.  

Until full recovery occurs, enjoy a few pictures.  How did my Little Man grow so big so fast?

Brace yourself for cuteness.

1 comment:

  1. Really I don't know anyone who should stay up till 2:45a.m.
    It was a precious party, good food and now it's over.
    The two year birthday party will be totally different. Maybe it won't take staying up till 2:45a.m.
    Love you,
