Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sickness Update...

Well, believe it or not...we are all better!  

Praise The Lord!

The Sickness Hangover continues but I'm gonna be honest and say I think that is because Pumpkin really, really, really loves the characters in her shows.  Of course, we know this age is "magical" when she genuinely believes the cartoon characters are real.  She talks about them all day, quotes from the movie and even reenacts some of the scenes.  

Super cute.

So I get it.  I'd be sad too if Momma kept telling me all day long I couldn't play with my friends.  

But she can't.  And that's that.

We've been doing a whole lot of painting and coloring instead.  We painted purple snowmen the other morning and you would have thought these paintings were gallery ready the way she ohhh'd and aaawww'd over them.  

She even let me snap a picture of her yesterday.  Cuteness overload.  Seriously, she melts my heart with that smile!

Rhys is still snotty and coughing some but we hear the post-RSV cough can last up to three weeks.  He's not throwing up anymore so I'm down.  He took an awesome nap Monday afternoon and woke up happier than he'd been in a week.  Look at that precious face!  

Monday was a fabulous day all around.  Sickness gone and God sent us a Spring day!  We got to go to the park, where Rhys swung for the first time.  He was pretty indifferent.  As he is about most everything.  But Aubrey Kate thought it was way cool.  

During nap, I sat outside while I grilled some chicken.  I love the sun.  As evidenced by my age spots but oh well.  That's what cover up is for, right?

Yesterday, the cold temperatures returned so we played inside.  

March can be such a tease.

We did make a Target run which has to be one of Pumpkin's favorite things.  She puts the items on the checkout belt.  "I wanna help!"  

Look at how grown up she is in this picture?  More like a little girl instead of my baby.  Man alive, they grow up so fast.

This is Rhys on Saturday in all his raw-faced-snottiness.  Between the drool and the runny nose, his little face got so raw and red.  We kept putting Vaseline on his face to help but one wipe of his nose and that was gone.  His eyes!  So tired.  Didn't stop him from playing as much as possible but my heart broke just looking at this face.  

Very excited we are all better and healthy.  Not sure how long that will last but I'm gonna enjoy it while it does.  

Sick babies are no fun.  Thank you, Lord, for healthy kiddos!

1 comment:

  1. Those babies....just precious!! We love you, A.K and Mr. R!!
