"When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you - a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant - then when you eat and are satisfied, be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery." ~ Deuteronomy 6:10-12
Chris and I are working our way through the bible together. I am really loving it. I mean, apart from Leviticus. That just kicks my tail.
And by that I mean I may or may not have fallen asleep reading it.
Possibly Numbers too.
But let's not dwell on my failings. Because there are oh so many.
I will openly admit it took me weeks to catch up with Chris. I got behind during Christmas and then the whole possibly falling asleep thing.
There have also been days when I got stuck in a passage. Don't ya just hate it when God speaks to you in the middle of trying to get through a "To Do" list?
Right. Me neither.
This week has been Deuteronomy for me. Moses was sort of repetitive. Okay, a lot repetitive at times. I get why. Those Israelites had a short memory. Like, for real, the Red Sea is still falling back into place you've already made an idol, kinda short memory. And God knew what was coming too so He made sure to have Moses remind them several times over to keep His commands and worship only the Great I Am.
But then I remember how quick I am to put my favorite idols back in front of my Savior and I don't feel quite so irritated at those Israelites.
Anyway, as I was reading through Moses and his speeches, this passage in Chapter 6 really caught...my heart.
There have been miracles happening all around me lately. Just flat out, take my breath away, crying with joy miracles. Reminding me how GREAT my God truly is. Today I stood at our women's bible study, singing, and the leader asked us to turn what needs healing in our lives over to the Lord right then.
And I had nothing to say.
Simply, I have nothing to ask from Him. Everything I have is His. He has healed.
Again, the Spirit reminded me of this passage.
I live in an amazing world I did not build. I did not dig. I did not create. I did not earn. I live in a world of HIS building, the work of HIS hands, HIS creation, HIS provision.
Yes, I mean literally we live in a wonderful city and a nice house (nice as defined by warm, safe and with an open floor play). The water comes straight out of the faucet or refrigerator filter (first. world. luxury). The pantry and refrigerator is filled with food I did not grow, kill or gather.
But more than that, I live with three amazing people God both created and gave me. A family I did nothing to earn. Giggles and tickling and praying happens a whole lot in this house. I did nothing to create those either. Nothing to build a little girl with deliciously kissable, rosy cheeks. Nothing to plant the seeds of love continually growing in our marriage. Nothing to provide for the miracle birth of precious Rhys.
Yet. I often forget the God who brought me out of infertility. Brought me out of my loneliness. Brought me out of my slavery to my ungrateful, unsatisfied, unfulfilled life.
I have now eaten and am satisfied. Thanks to the Lord. And to Him alone.
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