Monday, November 26, 2012


So today, I don't have a person.  I know.  I don't have much at all really.  It's been a pleasant day back to being just the three of us.  Chris is working tonight and two more nights this week.  Plus Saturday.

Thanksgiving week was so nice.

Rhys slept until 3 am.  I got a good, solid five hours of sleep.  That is awesome. 

I don't really sleep once I get up.  I snooze but not good sleep.  So five hours is A.Maz.Ing.

The schedule was pretty normal today.  Rhys was pretty tired though so he actually cried when I was getting him ready for his afternoon nap.  He rarely cries.  I mean, almost never, unless he's in the carrier in the car.  So for him to actually cry real tears, it about killed me.  But he was fine once he ate and slept for almost four hours this afternoon.

Nap time was spent working on Christmas gifts.  I still have a ton to do.  And a few to actually buy.

I cooked myself dinner.  Fed Aubrey Kate left over spaghetti and an orange.  Played with Rhys who giggled like crazy in the jumperoo.  Aubrey Kate got a bloody nose.  I used to get them as a kid too so I assume that's where she gets it from.  She didn't freak out but she did use almost an entire roll of toilet paper wiping a clean nose.  I didn't realize it until it was too late.  

I rock at mommyhood.

She played letters while I put Rhys down.  He feel asleep in my arms.  I held him a little longer than I should have since I was by myself.  But I just needed to soak him in for a few more minutes.  He's getting so big so fast.  Once he's mobile (which feels like will happen, oh...tomorrow), he won't let mommy just hold him.  I closed my eyes, hummed his lullaby, prayed over him and felt his little chest breathing.  

I tore myself away knowing I only had about 10 minutes of mommy and me play time with Pumpkin.  I cherish those few minutes and honestly, I've been known to stretch them a little longer just to get in some exclusive play time.  We played letters and then puzzles.  After we finished the puzzle, we gave each other a high five and then started cleaning up.  

Or at least I did.

She snuck off to the kitchen table and started painting.

Not a good move.

Bath was quick since we have to use our whisper voices so as not to wake Rhys up.  His room is on the other side of the bathroom.  

Aubrey Kate's gratitude list is getting longer every day.  We'll go back to just giving three if it gets any longer.  

1.  Kittens
2.  Dogs
3.  Old Spots
4.  The high building
5.  Daddy
6.  My friends
7.  Books

She asked me if I was thankful for kittens and I had to tell her, no, baby girl.  I am not thankful for kittens.  

I am simply grateful for a nice day.  It was one of those easy days that makes me want to post "I love my kids" as my status.  But Chris is accusing me of being too sappy these days and that might push me over the edge of sappy into nauseating.  

So I'll just say it here.  I love my kids.  I love my husband.  I love my life.  I love making Christmas gifts.  I love grilling out chicken for myself in the 60 degree weather.  I love how cheese and garlic turn bland left over mashed potatoes into pure yumminess.  I love the smell of clean babies.  I love how Aubrey Kate wraps her arms around my neck for prayers.  I love a whole day in our PJ's.  

God is good, y'all.  So very good.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! God is SO good:) Sometimes these 'ordinary' days turn out to be quite wonderfully extraordinary that way.

    Had to laugh at AK's gratitude list - esp. this one: 'Old Spots'? Haha!!
