Friday, November 9, 2012

Gratitude: Naps...

Okay, so naps are not a person.  They do, however, drastically effect the little people in my house.  

And the big people.

On school days, sometimes, Aubrey Kate has a hard time taking a nap those afternoons.  I think she just gets too excited at school and isn't able to calm down.  

Today was one of those days.

I put her down at 2:00 pm and then listened to her playing/screaming/crying for the next 90 minutes.  

There came a point when I had to leave the living room just to get some quiet.  Her room is directly next to the living room.  Specifically the couch I sit on.  

By 3:45 pm, I had reached my limit and went in to get her.  

So all afternoon, our house have been filled with the sweet, soothing sounds of an over-tired, over-excited toddler.

Holy moly.  My head hurts.

If I had a nickel for every time I said, "Aubrey Kate, inside voice" I would have about $2.15.

Which would be enough to buy me a Route 44 Coke Zero with diet cherry.  

And then, if I could drink that in absolute silence, my head might...might...stop pounding.

Oh, I adore that girl.  She's a delight.  A smile from her lights up my world.  And a hug warms my soul.

But I need her to take a nap.  Every.  Single.  Day.

So today, I am grateful for all those days when she does take her nap.  And I can have a few moments to put my house in order, craft or, heck, just sit on my couch quietly.

But she is cute.

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