Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gratitude: The Four Month Old...

I cannot believe Rhys is four months old today.

And I cannot believe Rhys is ONLY four months old today.

It's been one year since that call from Dr. Kaufman to say, "You're good and pregnant!"  So it certainly feels like he's been a part of our family much longer than he's been breathing oxygen.  

He's definitely been keeping me awake nights for a full year.

Oh, how I wish that was a joke.

Wanna jump to some stats?  

Rhys is up to 14 lbs 10 oz so he gained a whole 10 oz this month.  


That's in the 36th percentile.

Skin. Ny.

He's still 26 inches (which probably means I was off in my non-scientific measuring last month).  That puts him in the 88th percentile.


And his head circumference is 41 cm or 34th percentile.  That's kinda nice, actually, since AK's head was always ginormous.  She hovered in the 90th percentile for her head.

I have no reason to explain why that seems "nice" to me other than to say, it just does.  

He's growing out of his 6 month sleepers for sure.  He's too long for them.  The nights have been colder lately so last night I put him in one of sister's hand me down fleece sleepers.  It's 9 months.  And it fits.  

Oh, it's big because he's so skinny but it's long enough for sure.  He uses the extra fabric to pull on.  

At least it's not going to waste.

Last month, Rhys was rockin' an awesome four hour schedule.  I think that stopped about 36 seconds after I hit "publish."  

The weekend Meme and Buddy were here he went through a massive growth spurt (aka the only explanation I can come up with) and got up three times a night for three nights in a row.  Now he's back down to just once. The time varies.  Last night it was 2:30 am.  But it can be as late as 5:00 am.

During the day, he's on a completely irregular 2 - 2.5 hour schedule.  I say irregular because it's based on what time he wakes up in the morning.  Sometimes, like today, that's 6:45 am.  Sometimes, that's close to 8 am.  Just depends.  

On what, I have no clue.

So today, for example, went down like this:

6:45 am   Wake and eat
8:15 am   Swing for nap
8:45 am   Wake and eat
10:00 am  Swing for nap (he didn't sleep the whole time but momma needed a shower)
10:45 am  Wake and eat
12:45 pm  Eat and down for nap in his crib 
4:00 pm    Wake and eat
5:15 pm    Swing for nap
6:00 pm    Wake and play
6:45 pm    Bath and bottle
7:30 pm    Asleep

That 12:45 to 4:00 pm slot looks awesome, right?


Up until Thursday night, Rhys has been sleeping in a newborn lounger in his crib.

(Shhhh...that goes against the warning label)

We started it when I was still breast feeding because, well, we would have tried just about anything to get him to sleep anywhere buy my arms.  Once we realized he was starving and we switched to formula, he started spitting up a good bit.  I liked the comfort of the incline.  Helped me sleep a little bit better.

And really, it's all about me.

But Thursday night, he fussed a good bit...for some unknown reason because really, he doesn't fight sleep in the crib...and managed to turn himself sideways on the lounger.

His head was hanging off.

"We" decided it was time to wean him off of that.

And by "we", I mean Chris.  

My plan was to dodge it until he was three.  

So for the past several nights and days, Rhys has been relearning how to sleep.  He's on the wedge in the crib and we're using the sleep positioner just like we did for AK.  

Honestly, he's doing really well, considering.  He seems to be comforting himself by moaning.  

Ask me how awesome that is at 1:08 in the morning.

But his naps are a bit more of a challenge.  So he really didn't fall asleep...good and asleep...until after 2:00 pm today.  

He'll get it figured out soon enough.  And I'll be grateful "we" decided to do this now.  I think.

As for food, he's eating anywhere from 30 to 38 oz of formula a day.  We tried some rice cereal this week (doctor approved) but he wouldn't take it.  We'll try again...when we remember to do so.  Seriously, I just forget.

He still hates the car seat and now, he's decided he really doesn't like the strollers either.  If I have to go to the store or I feel brave (and rested) and we head to the park, I have to wear him.  He's totally content to be worn.  He just looks around and drools.  Two of his favorite activities.

At the park
Overall, he's a really content, happy, laid back kiddo.  He needs his little cat naps but when it's play time, he's happy to play.  We pulled the jumperoo activity thingy down from the attic today.  I think he likes it.
Where has THIS thing been my whole life?
On election day (not kidding), I snapped this little jewel of a photo.  He was just chillin' in the chair but I thought, he looks like he's posing for a portrait.  Maybe he will one day.  

Rhys McCullough Evans for President 2042

Really, we just adore this little guy.  He's such a perfect addition to our family.  And the time is flying by.  We're gonna wake up one day to a one year old running all over the place.  So I'm soaking up all the time in my lap I possibly can.  We love you, Rhys!  And praise our Savior for loaning you to us for a little while.  

Thank you, Lord!
Hey Momma!


  1. Ahh, baby sweetness and goodness!! What a beautiful child!

    I'm so sorry about the lack of sleep:( And I totally understand doing whatever works (Yay for inventions like the newborn lounger!) I hope things get better for you guys very soon and that Rhys returns to his previous schedule..I know how much of an interruption little sleep can be to life, esp. as a busy Mama!

  2. This post was hilarious...especially the part of "it's all about me." Amen...when it comes to sleep, it is indeed all about however I can get sleep. And I broke lots of rules to get that sleep...and I'm a pediatric nurse. Luckily, my worst sleeper was Ella and she was my only one at the time...thank goodness.
    I know some people frown on sleeping in swings, etc...but, I was just trying to survive. I kind of feel like if God was going to take one of my babies because of SIDS, it wasn't going to be from him/her sleeping in a swing...but, that it would have happened anyway. Or at least, that was how I argued it in my head.
