Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Last Weigh-in Wednesday for a while...

Well, Happy Halloween everyone!

Although, there are only four hours left.  

We did not trick or treat.  We went to a friend's business' trunk or treat last Friday and called it done.  Pumpkin was very overwhelmed with the experience.  She went pretty much mute the entire time.  

But I had the cutest pumpkins there!

Alright, so it's another week of weight loss.  But not for good reasons.  

One, I managed to get glutenated eating a new brand of chips and salsa.  The chips were labeled g-free but the salsa wasn't.  Although, it's salsa.  Like vegetables.  The ingredients were safe.  But something in those two items were most definitely not gluten-free.  

A single glutenation equals weight loss because I am too sick to eat anything for a full day and then when I do eat, my tummy is sort of sore.  

Two, our small group was contaminated with a brief stomach bug.  I had my bout Monday.  Chris came home at lunch.  Now here's the thing about a stomach bug.  It's not as painful, not even close, to being glutenated so as long as I don't throw up, it's just a cause for quarantine.  Don't want babies getting it.

It also equals a full day of almost no eating and a sore tummy the next day.

But have no fear (in case you were worried I was withering away into nothing), during nap yesterday I baked cupcakes for our women's small group and ate some.

Like four.

So.  Yummy.

Thankfully, I didn't gain it all back.  

And thus...

Size Sassy jeans fit.  

(Forgive the messy bathroom)

For comparison, this is what I looked like when this started mid-September.

Not bad.  You know, I didn't think I looked that different until I saw the first photo.  

Good work, Me!  

These are now my new goal jeans.  Size Stacy London.  

I have a pair of trouser jeans I want to wear but these are a little tighter in the thighs.  They will help me better judge how things are truly slimming down.  I gain and lose weight all over.  From what I've read standing in the grocery line, I'm a boy shape.  Verses apple or pear.  

So if I were a fruit, would that make me a banana?

Generally, I agree with the magazine diagnosis.  There's almost zippo about me that's curvy.  

I say that to say if I lose weight in my belly, I lose weight in my thighs.  And arms.  

The only part of me that doesn't gain or lose weight is my chest.  


(Does sarcasm come though my typing?)

This will be my last Weigh-in Wednesday for the next month.  Tomorrow is November and I'm going to attempt to do a month of gratitude posts.  And while I might just be grateful for weight loss at some point, it won't be my focus.

Thanks for the encouragement, y'all!  Nice to know I'm not doing this alone!  

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