Friday, September 7, 2012

Gratitude Friday...

First, I need to confess to y'all that despite having a "wonderful day" (according to her teacher) at preschool, Aubrey Kate is STILL fighting her nap.  

That's 90 minutes she's been in her crib.

And refusing to sleep.


Rhys, however, was up for 90 minutes for feeding and play and is now snoozing in the swing.  No lie, he's a splendid view from the couch.  

So honestly, my brain is on Scattered Overdrive these days.  I haven't been sleeping all that well.  I mean, apart from getting up to feed the baby.  I'm not a great sleeper anyway (AK gets it honestly) and having a rather inconsistent sleep schedule doesn't help much.  

Thus, I'm keeping my gratitude list this week pretty simple.  

Here we go!

1.  Mom - yep, she's still here but not for much longer.  She's kept me sane.  And miraculously, both kids are alive and well.  Without her, I have my doubts that would be the case.

2.  Jen Hatmaker - A friend loaned me one of her bible studies.  I'm working my way through it.  Slowly.  Oh so slowly.  But I am loving it.  Just what I needed at this season of life.  

3.  HGTV/NetFlix - Both these gems are keeping me company at night while I wait for the midnight feeding and during Rhys' fussy time at night.  It's easier to walk him around in circles when I'm on a house hunt or the hunt for a murderer.  

4.  Formula - Can't be thankful enough for this.  Rhys is all kinds of chubby fabulousness.  Love.  It.  

5.  7.5 weeks - Rhys is much more awake and aware.  He's giggling and smiling and cooing and it is wonderful.  Babies are a hoot.  

Well, that's it for this week!  Maybe one day all the thoughts that are in my head will settle down into something coherent I can share.  Thinking that might happen sometime in 2015.  

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You sound very coherent to me;) But even if you didn't I'd say having a newborn and toddler to take care of 24/7 are perfect reasons why! I'd be a little scatter-brained too.

    I hear ya on the HGTV..I am an HGTV ADDICT.
