Sunday, November 14, 2010

Seven Months and yes, I do get cuter every month, thanks for asking...

First, can we talk about my outfit? How fabulous is this sweater dress? I mean really. I am just on the cutting edge of fashion.

Well, here we are at seven months. Mom did her whole unscientific weighing thing this morning and I am just under 17 pounds. Looks like I've gained my stomach virus/strep throat weight back. Which is good because skinny baby is so out this season.

I am eating much better. Still not great because hey, there is cool stuff going on and I am not about to miss it just to eat something. The rice cereal is good and I liked bananas once I got used to them. Peas? Not so much. I eat them because the parents want me too but I make sure and give them my Ewe face with every bite. If they would stop laughing at it, that would be okay with me.

Yes, Nana, I am still loving my box. Mom also gave me an empty bottle to play with and I love that even more, I think. Stripes has also been introduced to my play toy bundle and I really like him. All those textures are fun. I love feeling (okay, and tasting) them all. After I wake up from sleeping and I'm fed, I tend to be generally happy to play on my own on the play mat for almost an hour or so. If I'm tired, say at the end of the day, I need someone to play with me or I might get fussy. Might.

We've also given up the bath seat and now I just sit in the tub and play. I love the frog that sings. I teased Mom and Dad by singing along with him twice but I haven't done it since. I'm letting them wonder if it was real or if they might be crazy. I'll let them off the hook someday.

I do love music. I will stop and listen to the music on the TV if it's on or giggle at Mom when she sings to me. The workers at church know I like music too so if I'm ever fussy there, they turn on some music for me and I get better.

The only other exciting news is that Mom and Dad finally got my college fund set up. The day they did it, they gave me a new book about Auburn. I'm guessing that wasn't coincidence at all. But even though they set up that fund, they also gave me a long talking to about something called a "full scholarship". Apparently, they think I might need to go ahead and work towards that. Dad said something about bassoon players or oboe something or other. They totally lost me on that. I guess I'll figure all that out one day. But not today.

Today I am just happy to giggle, eat my feet, play with my toys and generally make my parents happy. I seem to be good at that. I'll work on the oboe thing later.

See ya'll next month!


  1. Love that outfit girl!! Also I see you are taller that Aubie now! My stars I'm proud of you. One day maybe we'll take a picture of you with the real Aubie and you in your graduation gown.
    Love, Nana

  2. Love, love the outfit. Better than that is the smile. Can't wait till I see you all again. Won't be long. Love Meme

  3. Aubrey Kate is just taking after her dad and aunt on the peas thing. Smart girl. And I should probably mention that yes, I DO have the cutest niece in the world!
