Monday, October 18, 2010

A promise made...

For so long I felt like Hannah. Pleading with God for the same thing day after day, month after month, year after year. And like Elkanah gave Hannah a double portion, I knew the Lord had blessed us more than we could ever deserve and not because of who we were but because of His love for us. And yet, we still longed for a family. The Lord could have taken that desire from us but He never did.

And so I would pray for a child. I would say to the Lord, Father, if I could give our child back to you like Hannah did, I would. Humbly, I do not know how to do that. What I do believe Lord is that we will earnestly seek raise a child to love You. To seek You. To boldly live a life for You.

Sunday, we made that vow publically before Aubrey Kate, each other, our families, our church but most importantly, our Savior.

Amazingly wonderful. Awesomely humbling.


  1. I love the pictures! I've looked at them several times It was a happy day! It was a short visit but a fun one. Can't wait for Thanksgiving.
    Nana, Mom & MIL

  2. AAhhhh, this made me sweet. What an amazing story you have, and an amazing testimony!!

  3. I know the first think I should comment on is the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior to hear our prayers for these children, but I am OVERCOME by your pearls. You Southern Girl, you. AK may have herself an arranged marriage if she gets any cuter!
