Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So if the dexa-making-me-crazy is in eye drop form, will I still gain 5 pounds?

We were woken up this morning by the National Weather Service calling to say there’s a flash flood warning in our area.

They weren’t really kidding about that.

I am currently watching the Trinity River inch ever closer to maximum capacity.

Thank you Hermine.

All this rain is especially exciting when you are wearing glasses. I stepped out of the Target yesterday and my glasses immediately fogged up. Then this morning I about fell getting to the car from the gym because despite the gigantic umbrella, the rain was still hitting me in the face and thus my glasses were like a car windshield minus the whole wiper blade benefit.

But the rain is not really the point.

The actual point is my eye infection has returned.


Saturday my contacts were feeling kinda yucky but I was tired so I just chalked it up to that. They may or may not have been feeling bad on Sunday. If they were, they were eclipsed by the sore throat that came out of nowhere and left equally as fast. I took the contacts out on Sunday to take a serious nap (you know the one where you get in your PJs, close the blinds and crawl into bed) and just left them out that night. By Monday, I knew there was something wrong. I had them out by the time we got to the airport to fly home.

I woke up Tuesday morning to goop and some sharp pains in righty.

Not messing around this time. Threw on my glasses and called the doctor.

They could see me at 2:30 pm which was excellent since that gave me time to still fit in my dentist appointment where they chiseled out and then replaced two of my fillings.

You know that actually asked me if I wanted the laughing gas? Um…yeah. Although turns out I only needed it during the ridiculously large shot they gave me which numbed the entire right side of my face. From hairline to underneath my chin. Nose, eye lid, lips…everything.

Except for my actual eyeball which was still hurting.

By yesterday afternoon, it was determined that yes, the infection had returned. I was sportin’ 4 new ulcers on my right eye. She about gave me a high five because that is far less than last time. I got a new prescription for eye drops and left to pick up Pumpkin.

Chris was about to give me the first drop on his way out the door to practice when he read the active ingredients.

Which included non other than my old friend dexamethasone.

He then said, “Oh this is a blog post waiting to happen right here.”

How well he knows me.

So for the next seven days I will be putting dexa-making-me-crazy in liquid form directly into my eye.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I’m looking at you Doritos.


  1. Oh my goodness! I had no idea it came in eye-drop form! lol! I'm still on it as well, so we can eat dorito's together! Hope you feel better soon!!

  2. Oh my goodness! I had no idea it came in eye-drop form! lol! I'm still on it as well, so we can eat dorito's together! Hope you feel better soon!!

  3. LOL at Chris' comment. He does know you so well!
