Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reunited and it feels so good...

Oh, sweet treadmill.

I have missed you. You're Edward to my inner Bella. You complete me.

Today was my six weeks post-baby appointment. All's good. The scar is healing really well. Uterus is back to it's usual size and shape. And I got the all clear to exercise.

With a warning to take it slow. Apparently, my ligaments are still a little loose. And since it's been almost a year since I've done any major exercising, doc suggested it might take me a little while to get back into the swing of things.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Last night, in anticipation of today's green light, I created a new playlist, made sure the iPod was synced and charged and coordinated schedules with Chris for baby watching.

As I climbed the stairs to the second floor cardio room, I felt my pulse beginning to rise. I grabbed a towel and headed right to my treadmill. In front of the TV with ESPN.

I set my workout. Pushed play on the iPod. The belt started to hum. Britney said "Let's go". And I did.

I swear, I got a little teary.


Thirty-five minutes later, I'd run, walked and climbed almost 2.5 miles. I'd gotten my heart rate into "the zone". I'd broken a nice sweat. And I felt my bum rising off the back of my legs for the first time in months.

It wasn't the easiest workout. In fact, everything hurt. Kinda like it felt when I first started running about 5 years ago.

But I was there. Doing it. And I'll be back again.

Tomorrow I'll be making nice with the weights. They're more like Jacob. I like them. They make me happy. And I know I need them. But they don't have that cosmic pull Treadmill does.

Hopefully, I'll be getting reacquainted with all the fabulousness hanging in my closet sooner rather than later. But right now, I'm basking in a post-workout glow and loving feeling my legs and abs ache.


  1. take it easy. I went back to exercise right at 9 weeks and I torn my rotator cuff. our limbs are indeed quite loose after being preggers...

  2. Oh, girl. I am so happy for you and I love all of the Twlight references!

  3. There is something amazing about exercise. Take it slow and enjoy! Jacob was good for Bella but I think she spent to much time with him, because Edward was her first love. Love, Mom
