I hate Texas.
So, the deal is I have to tell you 10 honest things about myself. Not really difficult for me. Yeah, I know. You’re shocked.
1. Having a boy scares the flippin’ tar out of me.
2. Boys are energetic, messy and generally non-dramatic but in raising one, you’re raising a Man
3. And flat out, I’m ill-equipped to handle that kind of pressure
4. Now, if there were twins, one boy and one girl would be awesome
5. There’s just something about knowing he’ll have a sister to help out with the process that I like
6. And he’ll be better prepared to handle the drama he’ll meet with when he gets married
7. So knowing that one boy as long as there’s a girl is acceptable, we’ve gone ahead and chosen names for our triplet boys
8. No, I’m not telling the names but they are delightfully normal
9. And they sound wicked awesome with titles like “CEO”, Dr.” and “Pastor”
10. Because by jove, if God thinks I’m up to that task, then I’m believin’ He’s got some amazing stuff planned for those men.
Oooooo…that was fun! Let’s do another! Two for the price of one. I take all forms of cash as signs of appreciation. Okay, and Taco Bell nachos. In August.
1. I have almost completely mapped out our Adoptive Parents Profile Scrapbook
2. In my head
3. Which is not that odd because on a drive between Alabama and Texas, I can design and decorate an entirely new house while my husband sleeps soundly next to me
4. I got the idea from Kelli actually – when she asked what we’d name our reality show if we had one.
5. So of course, my day dreams don’t stop there meaning I’ve already created the perfect scenario for finding our birthmother/birthparents
6. Scenario perfecto as follows: I call up the agency to inquire about getting all our ducks in a row.
7. I introduce us as “Chris and Robin. Or really, it’s easier when you know we’re Winnie the Pooh. Christopher Robin. See.”
8. Woman holding the future of my family in her hands says, “Wait. Winnie the Pooh? Send me your stuff right away. Here’s my email. I’ll call you back in half an hour.”
9. She calls back 20 minutes after receiving my email to say she has a birthmother for us who’s due in 2 weeks. She’s been waiting to select a family because she says she felt the Lord telling her she would find the right parents when she met Winnie the Pooh.
10. And now you are slowly realizing that perhaps my previous statement about having a rather low gosh-awful-cheesy meter was a complete lie.
Wow! That was even more fun than the first. Although, I have a feeling my husband is rolling his eyes at me. Keep on rollin’ honey. It won’t seem so funny when we find a birthmother waiting for Winnie the Pooh pregnant with our triplet boys.
Come on! Anyone else want to try? I say Puddin’ should do one and make that his first official post. What’s that? You can’t start a blog, call it “Old Folks at Home” and not expect all of us to be sitting on pins and needles waiting for you to write.
Oh-My-Goodness, you're hillarious!s
ReplyDeleteThanks, hun!! You are so sweet!!
ReplyDeleteps. You totally knocked this one out of the park! I agree with Tabitha- HILARIOUS!!
Robin your Dad just started a blog and named it "Old Folks at Home." Did you know that when you wrote blog? He decided to start a blog just a few nights ago. He did not read your blog till tonight. When I told him what you wrote, we couldn't believe you said the name of the blog!! It seems your crystal ball is working fine today. Check it out, he wrote something tonight. It's funny, but I told him he could do better. The blog address is mikeandsandrajones.blogspot.com. He needs help with wallpaper, it's a start. Love, Mom
ReplyDeleteDue to my outstanding techical expertise, I wound up creating two blogs. I have now deleted one and the blog left is michaelandsandrajones.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteCarrie helped me to set up the background and other details.