Friday, July 24, 2009

Gratitude Friday…

Goodness, there is so much to be grateful for this week!!! I think my heart may explode from thankfulness!

1. Exclusive Event – We were the only retrieval scheduled yesterday. Seriously. It was like being Queen for a day! We had two anesthesiologists, two nurses, one embryologist who only had to fuss over our eggs and one RE who didn’t have to rush off to another surgery. We talked some college football, shared some horror stories and then they all stood in two rows while I walked into the procedure room. All they needed were pom-poms for this to have been my own personal spirit squad. You know, I didn’t even think to pray for such a blessing but there is was.

2. Ladybug Socks – I sent in my request for my Fertility Socks a couple of months ago. I could not believe it when they showed up and they were ladybug! My mother has called me “Ladybug” my whole life. I even sign her cards that way. You know that warm fuzzy feeling you get when someone you love calls you by their nickname for you. Well, I get that same feeling when I have ladybug “stuff” around me. It was so nice to feel like she was there with me even if she didn’t realize it.

3. Success Rates – Apparently, since the new embryologist has joined the family, the clinic’s success rates have been sky high. Dr. K says Glen has been “knocking it out of the park”. So yesterday, I finally met Glen. Sweet, country boy from South Carolina. He said things have been going really well and I said, yes, I hear that and you should know it’s because we’ve been praying for you this past month. I think he blushed. But there’s no coincidence here. Our prayer warriors have been praying and miracles have been happening.

4. Cracker Barrel – So now that the eggs have been retrieved, I can be a little more lax on the organic diet. I’m not giving up on it entirely because I know too much about the non-organic stuff now but it was really, really, really nice to have a dinner last night that neither Chris nor I prepared. We both had Turkey and Dressing. I paired that with Macaroni & Cheese, Hashbrown Casserole and a corn muffin. That was the best darn hormone-injected, pesticide filled, chemically altered meal I’ve had in years.

5. 7 Embryos! – Those 10 eggs have now been turned into 7 little embryos. They are tucked snuggly away in our clinic while Glen plays them some music and we pray for them. I hope they’re listening to some Beatles. I told Glen I was even okay with some Johnny Cash although he says he tries not to play only country music. We are praying those 7 will be strong and continue to grow. Seven!!! I can’t even tell ya’ll how much I love them. God is so good.

Our next update from Glen on our babies will be Sunday morning. If all of them are doing well, we’ll do a transfer on Tuesday. If we’re down to just a few of them then we’ll go ahead and do the transfer on Sunday. We’re okay with either. Our Heavenly Father is in charge of this process and we trust His plan for us and for these little embryos. We love you all and thank you so much for your prayers!


  1. So wonderful! There just aren't any words . . . God is so Good!!

  2. Seven sounds like a wonderful number! :-) We'll continue to pray that they are strong little ones!

  3. Amen! As soon as my eyes opened yesterday morning I said a prayer for you and Chris, the eggs and the Dr.'s. That's as close as I could get to you! All I want to do is put my arms around you Ladybug! Tell Chris to give you an extra hug for me today. I love that guy like he's my own son. Keep us posted. Love, Mom :)

  4. Robin, that's so amazing!! 7 fertlized eggs is a GREAT number to work with! God has truely blessed you and you deserve it!!

  5. 7! The perfect number! Thank you, Lord, You are so very good. You bless us with far more than we could ask. Still praying for all involved in this process. Love you both. Martha

  6. I love your 7 embryos too! I have been praying for them and thinking about them and sending them kisses. Do you need one of my recordings to play for them, because I could get you one. Just sayin...

  7. Robin!! How wonderful!! You must be beaming from ear to ear with all of these blessings this week! I am so happy for you, chris and your 7 embies!! Can't wait to hear how they're doing! Love you!!
