The whole IVF process ended my fainting spells when stuck with a needle. No time for that when you’ve got two shots to get done and you’re leaving the house late as it is. Now, though, I’m voluntarily getting stuck with tens of them each week.
Somewhere my mother is shaking her head in amazement as she remembers me fainting in the lobby of our pediatrician’s office after my TB test my senior year of high school.
True story. And it’s hilarious.
The acupuncture lady I’ve been seeing is, well, out there. There’s some stuff she does that borders on voodoo to me. She asks my body questions without saying them out loud and lets my pulse answer her. Seriously. The list of emotions/things causing my body stress was not surprising.
Grief, anxiety, fear, loneliness, money.
She looked at my tongue too. No longer dehydrated but she said, you sleep fitfully. Yep, that’s true. Along with 90% of Americans. But, she listened to me as I answered her lengthy list of questions about my life all the while, seeming genuinely concerned. Part witch doctor, part psychologist. She hugged me when I cried. I tell you, there are never enough hugs when you’re grieving.
Each session, she starts by asking me how I felt and feel after the last time. Most of the time, there’s no change really. Then she asks my body her list of questions to find out which emotion/thing is blocking the flow of energy that day. Then I hold a vial of water with the word on it (like fear) in my right hand during the whole session. She puts the needles in those spots most affected by that emotion. Most of the needles don’t hurt but each time there are some that really, really do. I’ll say ouch and she’ll say, that’s your grief stress point or that’s your anxiety releasing.
Whatever. I’m not sure I totally buy that but as Dr. JT (Mrs. JT’s husband) said, 1 billion Chinese can’t be wrong.
Regardless, I’m doing my best to be open minded about the process. The 30 minutes I lay there are nice. I have to actually consciously remember to release my muscles and relax.
I pray and ask God to use this process for His glory. If we ever do become pregnant, it will not be because of acupuncture or an organic diet or the vitamins. It will be because He ordained it to be. I have no faith in these outside processes but I am working desperately to put my faith in His will. He knows my heart is still hurting and more than any other week, I feel like He understands this week. More to come on that later.
And then after about 28 minutes, I fall asleep.
Just in time for Witchy Woman to start removing the needles.
Somewhere my mother is shaking her head in amazement as she remembers me fainting in the lobby of our pediatrician’s office after my TB test my senior year of high school.
True story. And it’s hilarious.
The acupuncture lady I’ve been seeing is, well, out there. There’s some stuff she does that borders on voodoo to me. She asks my body questions without saying them out loud and lets my pulse answer her. Seriously. The list of emotions/things causing my body stress was not surprising.
Grief, anxiety, fear, loneliness, money.
She looked at my tongue too. No longer dehydrated but she said, you sleep fitfully. Yep, that’s true. Along with 90% of Americans. But, she listened to me as I answered her lengthy list of questions about my life all the while, seeming genuinely concerned. Part witch doctor, part psychologist. She hugged me when I cried. I tell you, there are never enough hugs when you’re grieving.
Each session, she starts by asking me how I felt and feel after the last time. Most of the time, there’s no change really. Then she asks my body her list of questions to find out which emotion/thing is blocking the flow of energy that day. Then I hold a vial of water with the word on it (like fear) in my right hand during the whole session. She puts the needles in those spots most affected by that emotion. Most of the needles don’t hurt but each time there are some that really, really do. I’ll say ouch and she’ll say, that’s your grief stress point or that’s your anxiety releasing.
Whatever. I’m not sure I totally buy that but as Dr. JT (Mrs. JT’s husband) said, 1 billion Chinese can’t be wrong.
Regardless, I’m doing my best to be open minded about the process. The 30 minutes I lay there are nice. I have to actually consciously remember to release my muscles and relax.
I pray and ask God to use this process for His glory. If we ever do become pregnant, it will not be because of acupuncture or an organic diet or the vitamins. It will be because He ordained it to be. I have no faith in these outside processes but I am working desperately to put my faith in His will. He knows my heart is still hurting and more than any other week, I feel like He understands this week. More to come on that later.
And then after about 28 minutes, I fall asleep.
Just in time for Witchy Woman to start removing the needles.
I feel the same way, if God wants us to be pregnant, we will be. With or without IVF, Acupuncture, Wheat Grass, Cough Surup, Pinapple, etc. It doesn't hurt to try these things to further our health, but the ultimate decision is up to Him. Just as it should be!