Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Totally broke my Target restriction…

Because, Hello! Target sells a ridiculously large amount of organic products. Not just food but shampoo, conditioner, body wash, makeup, makeup brushes (seriously!), laundry detergent, cleaning products and cookies. Oh yes, the cookies are fabulous.

This change in diet has been so easy. I’ve discovered organic tastes amazing. The milk and sugar are sweeter, the spices more flavorful, the butter so yummy, the cereals more filling. And the bread! Oh my, I may just swoon thinking about the bread.

I made a batch of organic spaghetti on Saturday and no lie, it makes top 5 I’ve ever made. I had it at top 10 until last night when I ate left-overs and somehow it tasted better than before. Serious awesomeness.

The one downside: I have developed a genuine fear of regular food. Once I started reading about all the preservatives, artificial flavors, hormones and man-made additives they shove into food, I started wondering how in the world I’ve lived this long. And then of course there’s the genetically altered stuff that just BLEW MY MIND. If I can’t pronounce every ingredient, even if it says 100% All Natural, I don’t buy it. I’m partial to the USDA Organic seal.

Chris went out with the band directors last night. They were hitting some random chain restaurant nearby. I asked him if he wanted me to share with him the wonderfulness he would be ingesting at such an establishment and he politely declined. I’m not sure why.

I hate myself for not doing this sooner. I was so arrogant. The Lord sent me Stephanie to teach me and yet I kept telling myself I was fine. All evidence to the contrary. This “cleaning house” process, as cousin K called it (and I LOVE it), will take a while. At least 3 months to see any improvement in overall health and egg quality.

It may take me years though to undo the damage Taco Bell has caused.

I hope everyone reading this will give their diets a serious talking to and find out what you’re really feeding your body. Not to get all preachy but this stuff is scary.

New challenge below.


  1. It is a brainwashing process and even now that I'm not being strict about it there are somethings I just can never eat again knowing what is in them - like artificial sweeteners, margarine, stuff out of cans scares me, must have organic dairy, prefer organic veggies. I will go back to organic meat if this baby ever lets me eat normally again!! Missing you - give me 15 more days and I can chat more often!!

  2. Wow! Is this the same girl who had ice cream for breakfast? Keep up the good progress! Love, Mom:)
