I know ya’ll are all wondering just what do two love birds do to celebrate their eight wedding anniversary. And let me tell ya’ll, it was hot.
You’ll be jealous.
A high school band concert.
I know. I warned you there’d be sin in your heart.
The kids did a great job. Well, except for the trumpets. They did not step up to the plate. But they were standing on the same field as the plate which is far better than what was expected.
During the concerts, the kids always give the directors Christmas gifts. In concerts past, Chris has received numerous Starbucks gift cards. The perfect gift for a man who doesn’t drink coffee. Teenagers are so observant. However, this year, they gave him a scarf with music notes on it. Yeah, it’s as bad as you’re imagining. Chris did a fantastic job of making it seem as if it was wonderful. He put it on and did a catwalk complete with Miss America wave across the stage. Scarf = the best gift ever since the Starbucks gift card.
He also managed to make me blush. While bands were transitioning from one group to another, Chris announced to everyone that it was our 8th anniversary. He said a whole bunch of stuff about how wonderful I am (and really, can anyone argue with that) and then had me come up to get a dozen red roses. We gave each other a little kiss and the kids went nuts. They were whoopin’ and hollerin’ like construction workers at a topless beach.
Following the wind symphonies interesting attempt at “Carmina Burana” and a non-encore encore of “Sleigh Ride” (Side note: Before playing that the director said what’s a Christmas concert without “Sleigh Ride” and I said “shorter”. Seriously, that Carmina stuff had gone on far too long), I scurried out the back to grab us a romantic dinner of KFC. Linda and I had been discussed Southern cookin’ yesterday so I had a craving for some fried chicken and biscuits. And it was delicious.
Now. On to the important stuff: The gifts.
The traditional gift for number eight is bronze or pottery.
Thankfully, Chris knows me better than that and bought me jewelry. Not made from either bronze or pottery.
What’d ya think? Major score huh!

In addition to the driver (golf) he purchased for himself a month ago claiming anniversary and Christmas, I got him a wireless mouse for his mac.
I rock.
Other than that, I watched the video 862 times yesterday. Here’s what I learned:
1. I am in need of a hair intervention. 10 years those photos covered and apart from the length, nothing’s changed. Send photos, send magazine clippings, send Vidal Sassoon but please help me out of this hair rut.
2. One cocktail dress does not a wardrobe make. Did anyone count how many times that same dress popped up? Please don’t. Because I am embarrassed. I feel a shopping spree coming on.
3. When did I get so wrinkly? Maybe you should send Oil of Olay along with Vidal.
I’d love to tell ya’ll we have an exciting weekend planned where we’ll rekindle that same spark we had 8 years ago but we all know I’d be totally lying. We’re getting ready to go home for Christmas so that means we’ll be spending our weekend wrapping gifts, doing laundry and sleeping as much as possible before the 10 hour drive. If we get really ambitious we might go out to dinner and then drive around to make fun of everyone’s tacky Christmas lights. Who says romance is dead?
Good job Christopher, that's my boy. Actually, he probably got that from his dad who is way more romantic than his mom. It's hard to believe it's been 8 years from that tornado filled wedding day. You'll find as the years go by that even a KFC dinner and a quiet evening at home is sometimes more romantic than an evening out. Love y'all Martha
ReplyDeleteHey Robin - I don't have my computer at home so I couldn't email you but . . . check it out . . . you are going to have to drive to Montgomery!! Can't wait to see you! I'll have my second beta that day to make sure everything is doubling so assuming good news we are going to party!!! Can't wait for it to be your turn!!
ReplyDeleteAnd quit being sad about your turn b/c seriously if God can get us pregnant with our infirmities . . .ya'll should be a piece of cake to Him!