Hello September! You are welcome here. Especially if you bring those 80 degree temperatures the weather people around these parts are promising.
Totally. Welcome.
Chris is out doing his annual fantasy football draft. He won. Once. Otherwise it's just another excuse to check his phone approximately a zillion times a day. At least on Sunday's.
It seemed such a shame to just let the computer sit there. Right next to me. On the table. At the end of the couch. And not at least attempt to use it.
But in all honesty, I'm zonked.
Moving. It's a whole thing.
We are close but so NOT close to actually being moved in. The kitchen is done. Which was kind of the hold up. Took two weeks for the project to be done. Whilst we waited, I couldn't physically move into the bottom half of the kitchen. That left a whole lot of boxes opened but not emptied waiting in the dining room.
(Yes. I realize I left a whole lot of questions in that but zero answers. I'll do a whole post about it. You know. In October.)
So finally, yesterday, I was able to move into the rest of the kitchen.
And I celebrated the event by cooking a truly gourmet meal.
Hamburgers and French fries.
I know. You're jealous.
Today, I tackled the front coat closet. Which, clearly, I decorated.
Here's the thing: We lost a room.
We gained about 100 square feet. Mostly in the closets. But we lost a room. So no office/guest room/craft room/playroom. Or any combination of those. There's a whole bunch of "stuff" that would normally hang in an office. Like the photos from Toomer's Corner when we beat Alabama during our college years. And our John Philip Sousa award from our senior year of high school.
Because they only give out one.
So I hung those on the walls of the coat closet. Again, we gained those 100 square feet there anyway. Might as well decorate the darn things.
In addition to the decorating, I hung up the coats. It is a closet after all. In the last house, we squeezed those coats in and my, oh my, the wrinkles. In this house? Those same coats took up only half the closet. So I did what anyone would do. I hung Chris' various band event hoodie sweatshirts right in there. Still leaves me with a third of the space empty.
Don't worry. I'm up to the challenge.
Tomorrow will be the Hanging Stuff on the Walls day. This is the BEST day of any moving in process. It's the day when things start to come together. The house starts to look a home.
It is not, however, Chris' favorite day.
Because, mostly, I'm not entirely sure where everything is gonna go. Some smaller furniture pieces have to be moved around. Angles examined. Photos taken. Truly, it's kinda like Cher in Clueless when she says she doesn't rely on mirrors to select an outfit. She takes Polaroids.
(You're welcome for that obscure 90's movie reference.)
I wish houses decorated the same every time. That would make things easier. Less fun. But easier. Instead, it becomes an all day dance. Move this here. See if this works. Hold it up. No, put it down. Stand back. Turn around.
You do the hokey pokey. That's what it's all about.
(Did that flow well?)
(It felt like it did but I'm almost comatose.)
I've done my fair share of hanging stuff in the house already. The kids' rooms are mostly done. There are just a couple of things in each room too heavy for a single nail. Or command strips. But the big things. The stuff in need of anchors and actual measurements so that heavy stuff doesn't randomly fall off the wall. Those are the things Chris has to do.
It always goes faster than I anticipate. Because Chris is super good at hanging stuff. That leaves me with some lag time to figure out more stuff for him to hang.
For his part, he's been working on the outside of the house. Yesterday, he cut down five crepe myrtles (there must have been a sale on those suckers) and trimmed the large tree in our front yard. Today, he tackled the garaged. He worked all day and I know he did so much but if feels like there's still so much to get done.
I guess, that could be said of the rest of the house. So much has been accomplished but so much seems to still need to be done.
And let's not even discuss the patio. Which currently looks like something off Samford & Son.
(Man. I am KILLING IT with random references tonight.)
But I'm not touching the patio and all the various metal rooster sculptures the previous owners left behind for us. (Don't worry. I'll polaroid those too.)
Not, at least, until September fulfills it's promise of cooler temperatures and less humidity.
You both rock!
ReplyDeleteThere is NEVER any part of moving that's fun. To me anyway. I think you both are the most amazing people EVER for moving as many times as you have! SO impressive!!