Thursday, March 24, 2016

More Than One Post a Week Seems Like a Good Thing...

Truly, y'all, I don't have much to say.  

Rhys is on week two of being an ABSOLUTE JOY.  

(Sarcasm font.)  

I have no idea, at this point, if it continues to be overtired.  Although, that's totally playing a role.  Since he went to bed last night after 8 pm and got up at 6:45 am.  Or if the grace I gave him last week is simply biting me in the bottom this week.  Because the week after daylight savings time begins deserves grace.  The week after the week after daylight savings time begins deserves nothing.  

He was so inconsolable on Monday, I ended up holding him most of the day.  I dropped him school after I'd carried him to the car, then from the car and then into his classroom.  His teacher actually said, "Rhys, it's almost the end of the year!  Don't cry now!"


When I arrived for pick up, he was standing against the wall in the room, back pack on and crying.

His teacher says, "When he's ready to go, he's ready to go."

I then carried him, crying, to the car and, once at AK's school, inside to get her.  He played on the playground for about 15 seconds before he started crying and I got to hold him again.

By the time we got home, my back had revolted.  I spent the rest of Monday on the heating pad and popping Advil.  Good times.

Thankfully, my back recovered.  Rhys and his attitude/neediness did not.  I thought he might have been sick or becoming sick but no.  At least nothing I see or feel.  He's just in a FOUL MOOD.

Last night, we, Rhys and I, had to come to an understanding.  Which was I was DONE with the fits and the tantrums and his inability to walk from place to place.  

Being that he's three, he pushed the boundaries again this morning and I was flat out of grace.  

After that final incident, we had a much better day.  He gave me a sticker.  And a zillion kisses.  Fingers crossed, my sweet boy stays here and the Threenager is gone.  Again.

Apart from dealing with the Threenager, I've been getting ready for Aubrey Kate's 6th birthday party. There are not enough words to say on this upcoming EVENT.  Other than, it's here.  At our house.  And she wants to invite every person she has ever known.  Plans have been in the works for months.  But this is kinda like a wedding, I can do only so much before the actual event.  But the clock is ticking.  So I'm working.

Of course, having a party at our house requires more work than just the party.  The house needs to be done too.  All those little projects I've been dodging in favor of watching The West Wing now have to be actually completed.  

You know.  Like actually sewing my living room curtains currently being held up by straight pins.  

Basically, there are party projects and there are house projects and they both have to get done.

Chris has his list too.  Like the flower beds.  He's working on getting those cleaned out and replanted. Tonight, he and the kids took out the heart shaped flower bed in the front yard.

Can we all agree here that anything HEART SHAPED does not AT ALL say "Robin?"  

Heart shaped anything is just too precious for me.  

My almost six year old daughter?  Yeah.  She's totally fine with it.  Also on the list of things she's fine with, princesses, Shopkins and all things pink.  Obviously, we are not on the same page.

The flower bed goes.

Chris is fine with that.  As it was kinda the pits to mow around.  

Enjoy this picture of the heart shaped hole in the yard.  It will be filled with sod shortly.

Chris let the kids help him dig so please enjoy the little orange shovel there in the corner.  They were both so excited to "help Daddy."  Listen, they adore their daddy.  It is a JOY and one day, they won't run outside to help him dig up a flower bed.  There will be eye rolling and "too busy" instead.  

After such hard work, Rhys needed a break.  Cornbread and a water hit the spot.  

Don't let his flip flops go unnoticed.  Doesn't everyone do yard work in their flip flops?  

I mean, clearly.

And now you have been updated on our SUPER THRILLING life.  

Gosh, I hope you have something more exciting to do now.  Like watch paint dry. 

1 comment:

  1. Your stories make my day! We are watching paint dry!
    Love you!
