Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Our Tiny Dancer...

Yesterday was a big day in our world.

The kindergartners started walking into school on their own.

I know.  Your kinder has been walking into school alone since August.  I get that.  But my kinder is where she is BECAUSE there was no way she was walking into school by herself in August.

In fact, she didn't even walk into school by herself YESTERDAY.

So technically, it wasn't a big day.  Just another day of melting down.

To get into her school, we walk down a bazillion steps and then through the outside doors and her room is on the left.  It's easy-peasy.  Most days, she does it by herself anyway because I'm normally trying to keep Rhys from killing himself.  Or knocking other people down as he barrels through like they're pins in his own personal bowling game.

From now on, we are supposed to walk them to the top of the stairs, make sure we wave at the teacher, who's standing by the outside doors, and then send the kid down.

Please understand, she is literally never out of any one's sight.  Much less actually "alone."

But for whatever reason, Pumpkin was scared.  We made it all the way from the side of the car to the sidewalk before she just stopped in her tracks and started bawling.  

Eventually, the teacher came up the stairs.  I walked her to the stairs, her teacher walked her down the stairs and then her other teacher (yes, there are two for a class of 10 kids) (I know.  We're spoiled) walked her into her classroom.

Here's hoping today goes much better.  

Please, Lord.

Thankfully, this has not been the most exciting part of our week.


Here's the of AK's friends at school has a mom who's an actual, literal ballerina.  Like went to school, trained, studied, performed and now teaches ballet.  

The real deal.

And yes, she's super pretty.  And petite.  And flat-out one of the nicest people I have ever met.  

So one day, all the mommies are standing at the playground talking about dance.  One of AK's other friends was taking lessons at 6:30 pm and her mom was talking about how exhausted she was because of that.  I said since I have to drive 30 minutes in to town, I sure would love a class at like 2 pm.  Right after school was out.  Go from school to dance class and then home.

It's not like we're taking naps at our house anymore.

The Ballerina said if we were interested, she could see about finding a teacher at the studio for us and we all replied YES, FOR THE LOVE, WE ARE INTERESTED.

Took her all of about two days and just like that, we had a class.

There are four little girls in the class.  They meet once a week for 45 minutes and do ballet, tap and jazz.  

Now granted, Monday it looked like a whole bunch of running around but I feel certain there was a purpose.  

We got to the studio and went inside to change.  The dressing room/bathroom was completely decked out in all pink.

AK walked in and yelled, "MOMMA, IT'S AN ENTIRE ROOM OF PINK!!!'

Yes.  I see that.

There were also two gigantic full-length mirrors which were just perfect for pre-class twirling.  You know.  Just to make sure you were twirl-ready.

Then, wouldn't ya know, the dance room itself was also PINK.  Bless.

We all snapped a few quick pictures before we took our places outside the room.  And enjoyed adult company for a full 45 minutes.

There are simply no words to describe how much these three little girls loved going to class together. It was amazing.

Of course, once we got home, she had to show me all the moves.  I tried not to correct the pronunciation of too many things.  Let her teacher do that.  Instead, I just watched my little girl having an absolute blast DANCING.

The two sides to AK in one week.

The joyful, worshiper who loves to sing and dance and create.  I tell her all the time I am so grateful God created her to be such a lovely artist.  Her joy is contagious.

Then the timid, cautious and scared-of-new little one.  Who doesn't handle change all that well and certainly doesn't care to be without the security of her momma when doing those new things.  

Even in her happy place, the dance class, she had to be convinced to let me stay outside the room.  It was touch and go there for a minute.  But she did eventually accept me being outside the door.

And like her, I've got sides.

One side kinda adores how much she needs me.  Because she is growing up faster than I can wrap my brain around.  The other side wants her to gain confidence and independence sooner rather than later.  Big girl school is coming in August and I want her to walk in self-assured and ready to be her wonderful self.

Although, for now, we need to just get down the stairs by ourselves.  

One step at a time.

Pun intended.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for her and her dance class. Small steps, even down the steps without you to her classroom. I don't know if I told you but I went to kindergarten 2 years. My first year I spent everyday crying and watching the door. Growing up is a bumpy road for most of us. How blessed AK is having a Mom loving her along the way.
