Friday, January 15, 2016

Gratitude Friday...

Good morning, y'all!

It's just been a whirlwind of a week.  But I am crazy excited about this weekend!  We've got a play date and dinner with friends tonight, I'm starting a new bible study with some girlfriends on Sunday and Chris and I are planning to finally see "Star Wars" on Monday.

I realize we are the last people on the planet.

We're okay with that.

First, can we just adore this group of little people here?

This is our play date tonight.  And my kids might have been jumping up and down with joy this morning.  

Also, we might have already arranged a couple of marriages.

It feels good to have that out of the way.  And I'm certain the children will be grateful for our wisdom and dedication to their futures.  

This has been one of those weeks when I have been grateful for a lot.  Again.  

Yesterday, particularly, was just an amazing day with Rhys.  He was an absolute joy and those days can be kinda rare.  Reminds me he will be that way again someday.

Because the flip side is, I'm grateful he did not get himself killed this week when he darted off into the parking lot and an oncoming minivan.

Thank you, Lord, for the man behind the wheel who slammed on his brakes.  And for making sure his breaks worked well.

Thank you, Father, that the multiple falls and ensnarements in various playgroup equipment resulted in nothing more than bruises and not say, dislocated shoulders or broken ribs.

Y'all, it is truly amazing boys survive childhood.

But I am the most grateful for AK and her heart.

On the way to school this morning, she mentioned again how momma is getting really close to being too old to have any more children.

Now, understand, those are my words.  For reasons I do not understand, she told her class just before Thanksgiving that her momma had a baby in her tummy.  

So we addressed it.

However, I didn't kill all of her hopes.  Just that momma was not having any more children but maybe one day, God would give us a child to adopt.  

That's where she was going with her line of discussion.  Specifically, having Daddy build her and Rhys some bunk beds so a new baby could have his or her own room.

(Right about now, Chris is hyperventilating.)

(Both over the idea of more children AND building bunk beds.)

(And maybe thirdly over the idea of Rhys having ACCESS to bunk beds.)

(Lord, be near.)

Anyway, after she finished sharing her thoughts on growing our own family, she mentioned praying for our friend who is still waiting for God to grow hers.

We pray for that often on top of just praying for her every night in our prayers.

AK said, "We need to be doing a lot of praying for her to have some babies of her own soon!"

Me, "Yes, Baby Girl, we do.  Jesus loves to hear from you!  Your prayers are so precious to Him."

AK, "Oh, I do pray.  After you tuck me in, I pray for her all the time."


AK, "We need her to have a couple of babies!"

Me, "Yes, Sweet Girl, we sure do."

Listen, Jesus loves that girl.  I just know that I know that I know when she prays, He hears her every word.  And to hear her say she's praying fervently for something we all want so desperately, well, it just wrecked me this morning.

Pretty certain I'll be crying about this little exchange all day.

Thank you, Lord, for letting us love Aubrey Kate.  Goodness, we are so blessed to have her.  We know she simply on loan to us and, well, it's the best loan just ever.  I agree with her requests for our friend's family to grow.  Please, Lord.  Send her children.  Let it be so that the entire world will know only YOU could have given her those children.  Maybe not when she's 90, like Sarah, but soon.  Please.  We love you, Lord.  And are humbled by how You love us.

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