Sunday, August 30, 2015

Twas the Night Before Kinder...

With apologies to Clement Clark Moore.

And all those who actually write poetry.

Twas the night before kinder, and all through the place
Momma was praying all over this very new race.
The backpack was filled with signed papers galore
Knowing those would be the first of many, many more.

The five year old was all snuggled in bed
After laying out her clothes and a bow for her head
And momma had just settled down to look back
Through old photos and videos on Instagram and Facebook.

When she scrolled through all those, her heart went pitter-patter
How had her baby grown so fast into such a big girl full of chatter?
It seemed the past five years had simply flown by in a flash
She knew this next stage would go by in an equally mad dash.

She snuck into her daughter's room
Watching this sleeping miracle girl about to bloom
Filled with excitement and joy and ALL THE FEELS
Letting go and watching them grow, it's an amazing part of the deal.

These Littles are not little with us for very long
Finding our place as guide, cheerleader, prayer warrior as we tag along.
We point them to Christ and show them His love and grace
While we read endless stories and plant a zillion kisses on their face.

We read them God's word and teach of Christ's finished work
Speak life over them and pray for revelation for their quirks.
Tell them over and over and over to always be kind
To befriend the lonely and make sure no one is left behind.

Momma wonders if there is really ever any way to know
If all the lessons and talks and prayers will help her daughter glow
With the love and mercy only Jesus can give and supply
And prays God will show her the work of His hands as her life goes by.

Tomorrow, we'll spring into a new vibe and rhythm
Grateful simply to be on this journey with them
Watching Littles grow and learn and take flight
Knowing their Father and Creator is smiling and holding them tight

Goodnight, Aubrey Kate!  Tomorrow you will begin and, I know, just do great!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how fast she has grown. You are doing a wonderful job teaching and training her. It's a bumpy road with our children as they grow up but God's word does not return void. You have been speaking God's word to her since she was a newborn. I remember you holding AK with one arm and the Bible in another as you would read, sing and pray with her.
    And you still do that today. Love you!
