Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Random Catchup...

I know.

The magnitude of that title alone has you on the edge of your seat with anticipation.

Truly, our life IS randomness these days.  Not sure if you're aware, but we've been getting a little rain in these parts.  And after 25 or so days of it, things just start to run together.  In a hazy of humidity and children running all over the house instead of at the park.  Because RAIN.

Good news though!  Drought is way over!

Can we find out a way to ship the excess water to California?

On with the randomness!

Do you remember Aubrey Kate's last day of preschool picture?  Where she was wearing a size 24 Month skirt?

This one.

Good gracious, she's gorgeous.

Anyway, I decided to spend way too much time looking for pictures of her in that skirt around the time I bought it.  All I found was a video and for the LIFE OF ME, I could not get that video to save the frames as individual pictures.  

Even the Mac causes me to be technologically impaired.

All I could do was take a picture of the computer screen.

Right?  Genius.

But then, THEN, I was able to use one of my fancy apps to combine two pictures.  So we could all get a good visual of how TINY she was when she first started wearing that skirt.



The video was of Aubrey Kate and me vacuuming Rhys' empty room after we moved her stuff out.  She got that vacuum cleaner from Aunt Meredith and Uncle Brantley for her second birthday.  I was 1,000 months pregnant with Rhys.  I opted not to include a picture of that.  You're welcome.

So in this picture, she's about 26 months old.

Then I found this one from last summer.  She no longer fits into the shirt.  Praise be.

She just keeps getting taller.  Bless.

Really, all that searching for photos was just because I wanted an excuse to take a trip down memory lane.  I LOVE HER.  And a mom will use any excuse to take a peak at how much her baby has grown.

Especially, say, when said baby finishes up preschool.

Okay, next randomness topic.

Chris and I had our annual date night at the band banquet last weekend.  It was our first date of the year.  Which is the norm.

For some reason, the teenage boys looked less awkward this year.  Maybe because as Rhys gets older, awkward starts to look adorable.  There was one boy with hair just like Art Garfunkel.

For reals.

That's actually Art Garfunkel.  But add some black rimmed glasses and a bow tie and that was the kid.

Chris says he's going to college to study music business.  He wants to own his own record label.

Well, of course he does.  I'm guessing he'll succeed.

How could he not?  The hair do alone gives major juju.

Anyway, we had a good time.  Chris got a life-sized cardboard Captain America picture.  A Captain America tee-shirt (because they KNOW how much I wanted another tee-shirt), the TALKING shield, the helmet and a jar full of handwritten notes from the kids.

And, oh AND, a hat with hat on the top.  Looks a little like something the Old Ball Coach wears.

They gave it to him because they believe they are the cause of his hair loss.

I think that's really my fault but oh well.  Let the teenagers have the guilt.

Third Randomness Topic.

The past two Sunday's, we've headed out to the splash pad at the shops near the house.  We've eaten and then gone.  The hours between dinner and bed are the WORST so this kills those.

Look at his joy!

We didn't stay long this week.  Rhys woke up Saturday with a crazy high fever.


He laid on the couch for a while and then decided this position was more comfortable.

Look at him!  He was just hanging off the edge and sleeping.  We spent several hours Saturday morning driving around looking at neighborhoods.  He slept most of the trip.  AK got her traditional "Drive Around Ice Cream."

We drive a lot for Rhys to nap.

She doesn't mind since she gets ice cream.  Although she asked me for it a zillion times before Rhys falls asleep.

That I could do without.

Anyway, Sunday was fever-free but he was still kinda snugly.  He actually put himself down for a 90 minute nap.  In his room.  In his bed.  Under his blanket.

That's a little boy who doesn't feel good!

Randomness #4.

Aubrey Kate, once again, decided it was time to clean out the craft cabinet in the kitchen.  I woke up to find her like this.

This time she opted for a proper division of ownership.  Her coloring books on one side and Rhys' on the other.  Crayons, paint and stickers went on the top shelf.  Extra blank paper went in the middle for both kiddos to share.

She was so proud.  

I feel for the girl.  She got hit with a double dose of Type A-ness.  

Truly, the hours I spent organizing my school supplies prior to the first day are epic.  I might have ironed my First Day of School Outfit. Which had been painstakingly selected during our annual pre-school outlet mall trip.

These are the moments when I wish I lived closer to my parents so I could spend hours looking through old photos to find just the perfect one to visually express what I'm trying to say with words.  

Because I don't think you can absolutely appreciate the level of nerdiness I achieved by ironing my jeans before school.

With Aubrey Kate's bizarre attachment to a grey zebra print skirt and her innate NEED to organize craft supplies, I feel there will be plenty of pictures of the next generation being sufficiently Type A.

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