Oh Precious Little Ones, today I want to talk with you! Sometimes when forced to slow down, I get the joy of seeing you in a new way. Rhys, you had a stomach bug this week so we stayed in to allow your little body to heal. Being at home..and only at home...for three days is not the norm in our house. I feel certain you will remember being busy as children. Most children are. Active, busy and in love with play. Y'all are all of that.
What you will forget are these slow days. Days at home vegging out on the couch and watch endless amounts of Care Bears and Disney movies. As I was watching y'all this week, these moments...the ones you will forget...are those that struck me most.
Rhys, what you will forget is a full day in my lap. You might someday remember having various bugs throughout your childhood. But you won't remember these first ones when you were small enough to snuggle into my chest and rest. You won't remember reaching out for my hand from behind you and pulling it across your chest to hold. You won't remember holding my hand and Froggy at the same time.
You won't remember me praying over you...all day long. Even at your sometime tender/sometime crazy age of two, you consistently ask me to pray. "Pray, Momma?" Admittedly, you are often asking me that AS I'm praying but regardless, it's adorable. But when you're sick and scared, those are the moments I hold you, chest to chest, hand on your head and ask our Father for healing and comfort. A fever and stomach bug are scary things. You hurt and you don't know why. You won't remember the comfort of my arms and that my comfort was resting in the arms of My Savior.
Aubrey Kate, you won't remember being a super awesome, rock star big sister. I'm certain you will remember Rhys getting sick occasionally and for sure, you remember that sick days equal lots of TV. Largely because watching TV is your favorite thing to do. What you won't remember is sweetly letting Rhys pick some of his favorite shows. Or sharing your colors with him even when you really wanted to color by yourself.
You won't remember how grateful I was that you allowed me to take care of little brother. Rhys needed lots of attention and you were amazing to take care of yourself. You picked up when asked. You ate whatever sad meal I pulled together. And even said, "It's so good, Momma!' You colored beautiful rainbows, practiced writing your letters, played baby dolls and never once complained. You won't remember trusting that my attention being focused on Rhys took nothing away from my absolute, crazy love for you. Not everyone, Little One, is secure enough in their identity to allow a parent the space to focus on a sibling. You know you are loved and you showed your love so well.
What y'all won't remember are the hours and hours of reading books together. Both of you are book lovers but, honestly, we're not still long enough to read more than four or five books a day. This week, though, we read book after book after book. Y'all won't remember being piled up in my lap, getting a million kisses on the tops of your blond little heads and simply reading stories. Rhys wanted to read all his truck books and, Aubrey Kate, you were so precious to let us. You never complained. And I will never forget the feeling of two beautiful babies in my lap.
All too soon, y'all won't be able to sit in my lap. I won't be able to carry a sick baby on my hip with one arm and cook grilled cheese with the other arm. And even sooner than all that happens, y'all will have forgotten this week at home. Grateful for that because who really wants to remember throwing up? Even if you just have to watch Little Brother be sick? But I'm sad too.
However, one day, probably when you're much older and past the teenage years when you will believe I am the dumbest person who ever walked the earth, you will read these words. By then, you may only find them in one of the books your Daddy made from the blog, but regardless, you will find them. And what I want you to know then...years from now...when all these days are long since forgotten...is I loved every second. I was, am and will be grateful for each moment. Sick or well. Tender or crazy. Sassy or sweet. Stubborn or obedient. Know you are adored. You are loved. You were created and perfected-placed in our lives by our Father.
So sweet! Memories fade but love remains! I hope everyone is well this week.