How about a Gratitude Friday post? Like, on an actual Friday.
High Five!
Anyone feel like this week has been rough? Globally, domestically, as a Jesus-follower? Man.
I've made it a point to watch the Nightly News this week. Which is new for me. Catch it every now and then? Yep. Prioritize it? Never.
Anyone see the story of the cousins playing on the beach who were HIT BY BOMBS? Y'all.
I sat in my super secure, temperature controlled living room while my little blond miracles ran all over the place chasing six or seven balls and catching none...
...And I cried. Ugly cried. Scared my children once they stopped screaming cried.
Today, my city had protesters on just about every corner. Some on each side. White picket fences painted with "Secure Our Borders" to the right. "What would Jesus do?" and priests on the left. It was a perfect pictorial of every stereotype you can think of.
And the kids aren't even here yet. Or ever.
Here's the thing: Both sides of every conflict are right. Both sides are wrong.
I don't know. Maybe because I've been binge watching The West Wing. Maybe because I've been glued to the #StyleForJustice this week. Whatever it is, I am seeing the world in a new light.
And that light is this: Jesus is the only answer.
David Wilcox has a powerful song about love. The song starts with these words,
"Fearless love, fearless love
Fearless love makes you cross the border."
There's a stirring in my heart. Am I brave enough to really love fearlessly?
"You didn't join the other side.
The battle lines just disappeared."
Honestly, I am afraid. And it's not a comfortable fear. I am not brave. And I like my comfortable. But I simply cannot watch, cry and not get involved somehow. Not sure how but somehow.
"So just how strong this change of heart much be
That one that Jesus once described
Kindness to your enemy
Carry his pack an extra mile."
Jesus saved me. Me. And all He asks is for me to love others. Time to get up off my couch to do that.
Thank you, Lord, for the stirring.
(Fearless Love lyrics here.)
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